Source code for ibm_watsonx_ai.repository

#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2023-2025.
#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Callable, Any, Literal, TypeAlias, cast

from dataclasses import dataclass

from requests import Response

from ibm_watsonx_ai._wrappers import requests

from ibm_watsonx_ai.experiments import Experiments
from ibm_watsonx_ai.functions import Functions
from ibm_watsonx_ai.ai_services import AIServices
from ibm_watsonx_ai.libs.repo.mlrepositoryclient import MLRepositoryClient
from ibm_watsonx_ai.lifecycle import SpecStates
from ibm_watsonx_ai.messages.messages import Messages
from ibm_watsonx_ai.metanames import (
from ibm_watsonx_ai.models import Models
from ibm_watsonx_ai.pipelines import Pipelines
from ibm_watsonx_ai.utils import inherited_docstring, get_url, get_user_agent_header
from ibm_watsonx_ai.utils.utils import _get_id_from_deprecated_uid
from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_client_error import WMLClientError
from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_resource import WMLResource

    from ibm_watsonx_ai import APIClient
    import numpy
    import pandas
    import pyspark

    LabelColumnNamesType: TypeAlias = (
        numpy.ndarray[Any, numpy.dtype[numpy.str_]] | list[str]
    TrainingDataType: TypeAlias = (
        pandas.DataFrame | numpy.ndarray | pyspark.sql.Dataframe | list
    TrainingTargetType: TypeAlias = (
        pandas.DataFrame | pandas.Series | numpy.ndarray | list
    FeatureNamesArrayType: TypeAlias = numpy.ndarray | list

[docs] class Repository(WMLResource): """Store and manage models, functions, spaces, pipelines, and experiments using the Watson Machine Learning Repository. To view ModelMetaNames, use: .. code-block:: python To view ExperimentMetaNames, use: .. code-block:: python To view FunctionMetaNames, use: .. code-block:: python To view PipelineMetaNames, use: .. code-block:: python To view AIServiceMetaNames, use: .. code-block:: python """
[docs] @dataclass class ModelAssetTypes: """Data class with supported model asset types.""" DO_DOCPLEX_20_1: str = "do-docplex_20.1" DO_OPL_20_1: str = "do-opl_20.1" DO_CPLEX_20_1: str = "do-cplex_20.1" DO_CPO_20_1: str = "do-cpo_20.1" DO_DOCPLEX_22_1: str = "do-docplex_22.1" DO_OPL_22_1: str = "do-opl_22.1" DO_CPLEX_22_1: str = "do-cplex_22.1" DO_CPO_22_1: str = "do-cpo_22.1" WML_HYBRID_0_1: str = "wml-hybrid_0.1" PMML_4_2_1: str = "pmml_4.2.1" PYTORCH_ONNX_1_12: str = "pytorch-onnx_1.12" PYTORCH_ONNX_RT22_2: str = "pytorch-onnx_rt22.2" PYTORCH_ONNX_2_0: str = "pytorch-onnx_2.0" PYTORCH_ONNX_RT23_1: str = "pytorch-onnx_rt23.1" SCIKIT_LEARN_1_1: str = "scikit-learn_1.1" MLLIB_3_3: str = "mllib_3.3" SPSS_MODELER_17_1: str = "spss-modeler_17.1" SPSS_MODELER_18_1: str = "spss-modeler_18.1" SPSS_MODELER_18_2: str = "spss-modeler_18.2" TENSORFLOW_2_9: str = "tensorflow_2.9" TENSORFLOW_RT22_2: str = "tensorflow_rt22.2" TENSORFLOW_2_12: str = "tensorflow_2.12" TENSORFLOW_RT23_1: str = "tensorflow_rt23.1" XGBOOST_1_6: str = "xgboost_1.6" PROMPT_TUNE_1_0: str = "prompt_tune_1.0" CUSTOM_FOUNDATION_MODEL_1_0: str = "custom_foundation_model_1.0" CURATED_FOUNDATION_MODEL_1_0: str = "curated_foundation_model_1.0"
cloud_platform_spaces = False icp_platform_spaces = False def __init__(self, client: APIClient) -> None: WMLResource.__init__(self, __name__, client) self._ml_repository_client: MLRepositoryClient | None = None self.ExperimentMetaNames = ExperimentMetaNames() self.FunctionMetaNames = FunctionMetaNames() self.PipelineMetaNames = PipelineMetanames() self.SpacesMetaNames = SpacesMetaNames() self.ModelMetaNames = ModelMetaNames() self.MemberMetaNames = MemberMetaNames() self.AIServiceMetaNames = AIServiceMetaNames() # make sure that old repo client is aware of token changes self._client._auth_method._on_token_set = self._refresh_repo_client self._client._auth_method._on_token_creation = self._refresh_repo_client self._client._auth_method._on_token_refresh = self._refresh_repo_client self._refresh_repo_client() def _refresh_repo_client(self) -> None: self._ml_repository_client = MLRepositoryClient(self._credentials.url) self._ml_repository_client.authorize_with_token(self._client.token) self._ml_repository_client._add_header("User-Agent", get_user_agent_header())
[docs] @inherited_docstring(, {"experiments.get_href": "repository.get_experiment_href"} ) def store_experiment(self, meta_props: dict) -> dict: return
[docs] @inherited_docstring( def store_pipeline(self, meta_props: dict) -> dict: return
[docs] @inherited_docstring(, {"store()": "store_model()"}) def store_model( self, model: str | object | None = None, meta_props: dict | None = None, training_data: TrainingDataType | None = None, training_target: TrainingTargetType | None = None, pipeline: object | None = None, feature_names: FeatureNamesArrayType | None = None, label_column_names: LabelColumnNamesType | None = None, subtrainingId: str | None = None, round_number: int | None = None, experiment_metadata: dict | None = None, training_id: str | None = None, ) -> dict: return model=model, meta_props=meta_props, training_data=training_data, training_target=training_target, pipeline=pipeline, feature_names=feature_names, label_column_names=label_column_names, subtrainingId=subtrainingId, round_number=round_number, experiment_metadata=experiment_metadata, training_id=training_id, )
def clone( self, artifact_id: str, space_id: str | None = None, action: str = "copy", rev_id: str | None = None, ) -> dict: raise WMLClientError(Messages.get_message(message_id="cloning_not_supported"))
[docs] @inherited_docstring( def store_function( self, function: str | Callable, meta_props: str | dict[str, Any] ) -> dict: return, meta_props)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Models.create_revision) def create_model_revision(self, model_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: model_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, model_id, "model") return self._client._models.create_revision(model_id=model_id)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Pipelines.create_revision) def create_pipeline_revision( self, pipeline_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: pipeline_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, pipeline_id, "pipeline") return self._client.pipelines.create_revision(pipeline_id=pipeline_id)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Functions.create_revision) def create_function_revision( self, function_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: return self._client._functions.create_revision( function_id=function_id, **kwargs )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Experiments.create_revision) def create_experiment_revision(self, experiment_id: str) -> dict: return self._client.experiments.create_revision(experiment_id=experiment_id)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Models.update, {"meta_props": "updated_meta_props"}) def update_model( self, model_id: str | None = None, updated_meta_props: dict | None = None, update_model: Any | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: model_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, model_id, "model") return self._client._models.update(model_id, updated_meta_props, update_model)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Experiments.update) def update_experiment( self, experiment_id: str | None = None, changes: dict | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: return self._client.experiments.update(experiment_id, changes, **kwargs)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Functions.update) def update_function( self, function_id: str | None, changes: dict | None = None, update_function: str | Callable | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: return self._client._functions.update( function_id, changes, update_function, **kwargs )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Pipelines.update) def update_pipeline( self, pipeline_id: str | None = None, changes: dict | None = None, rev_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: pipeline_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, pipeline_id, "pipeline") return self._client.pipelines.update(pipeline_id, changes, rev_id, **kwargs)
[docs] def load(self, artifact_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> object: """Load a model from the repository to object in a local environment. .. note:: The use of the load() method is restricted and not permitted for AutoAI models. :param artifact_id: ID of the stored model :type artifact_id: str :return: trained model :rtype: object **Example** .. code-block:: python model = client.repository.load(model_id) """ artifact_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, artifact_id, "artifact") return self._client._models.load(artifact_id)
[docs] def download( self, artifact_id: str | None = None, filename: str = "downloaded_artifact.tar.gz", rev_id: str | None = None, format: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> str: """Download the configuration file for an artifact with the specified ID. :param artifact_id: unique ID of the model or function :type artifact_id: str :param filename: name of the file to which the artifact content will be downloaded :type filename: str, optional :param rev_id: revision ID :type rev_id: str, optional :param format: format of the content, applicable for models :type format: str, optional :return: path to the downloaded artifact content :rtype: str **Examples** .. code-block:: python, 'my_model.tar.gz'), 'my_model.json') # if original model was saved as json, works only for xgboost 1.3 """ artifact_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, artifact_id, "artifact") rev_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, rev_id, "rev", can_be_none=True) self._validate_type(artifact_id, "artifact_id", str, True) self._validate_type(filename, "filename", str, True) res = self._check_artifact_type(str(artifact_id)) if res["model"] is True: return, filename, rev_id, format) elif res["function"]: return, filename, rev_id) elif res["ai_service"]: return, filename, rev_id) else: raise WMLClientError( "Unexpected type of artifact to download or Artifact with artifact_id: '{}' does not exist.".format( artifact_id ) )
[docs] def delete( self, artifact_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> Literal["SUCCESS"]: """Delete a model, experiment, pipeline, function, or AI service from the repository. :param artifact_id: unique ID of the stored model, experiment, function, pipeline, or AI service :type artifact_id: str :return: status "SUCCESS" if deletion is successful :rtype: Literal["SUCCESS"] **Example:** .. code-block:: python client.repository.delete(artifact_id) """ artifact_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, artifact_id, "artifact") Repository._validate_type(artifact_id, "artifact_id", str, True) if self._if_deployment_exist_for_asset(artifact_id): raise WMLClientError( "Cannot delete artifact that has existing deployments. Please delete all associated deployments and try again" ) params = self._client._params() params.update({"purge_on_delete": "true"}) response = requests.delete( self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_asset_href(artifact_id), params=params, headers=self._client._get_headers(), ) if response.status_code == 200 or response.status_code == 204: if response.status_code == 200: response = self._handle_response(200, "delete assets", response) return response else: response = self._handle_response(204, "delete assets", response) return response else: if response.status_code == 404: raise WMLClientError( "Artifact with artifact_id: '{}' does not exist.".format( artifact_id ) ) else: raise WMLClientError( "Deletion error for the given id : ", response.text )
[docs] def get_details( self, artifact_id: str | None = None, spec_state: SpecStates | None = None, artifact_name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: """Get metadata of stored artifacts. If `artifact_id` and `artifact_name` are not specified, the metadata of all models, experiments, functions, pipelines, and ai services is returned. If only `artifact_name` is specified, metadata of all artifacts with the name is returned. :param artifact_id: unique ID of the stored model, experiment, function, or pipeline :type artifact_id: str, optional :param spec_state: software specification state, can be used only when `artifact_id` is None :type spec_state: SpecStates, optional :param artifact_name: name of the stored model, experiment, function, pipeline, or ai service can be used only when `artifact_id` is None :type artifact_name: str, optional :return: metadata of the stored artifact(s) :rtype: - dict (if artifact_id is not None) - {"models": dict, "experiments": dict, "pipeline": dict, "functions": dict, "ai_service": dict} (if artifact_id is None) **Examples** .. code-block:: python details = client.repository.get_details(artifact_id) details = client.repository.get_details(artifact_name='Sample_model') details = client.repository.get_details() Example of getting all repository assets with deprecated software specifications: .. code-block:: python from ibm_watsonx_ai.lifecycle import SpecStates details = client.repository.get_details(spec_state=SpecStates.DEPRECATED) """ artifact_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid( kwargs, artifact_id, "artifact", can_be_none=True ) Repository._validate_type(artifact_id, "artifact_id", str, False) Repository._validate_type(artifact_name, "artifact_name", str, False) if artifact_id is None: model_details = self._client._models.get_details( spec_state=spec_state, model_name=artifact_name ) experiment_details = ( self.get_experiment_details(experiment_name=artifact_name) if not spec_state else {"resources": []} ) pipeline_details = ( self.get_pipeline_details(pipeline_name=artifact_name) if not spec_state else {"resources": []} ) function_details = self._client._functions.get_details( spec_state=spec_state, function_name=artifact_name ) try: ai_service_details = self._client._ai_services.get_details( spec_state=spec_state, ai_service_name=artifact_name ) except WMLClientError: ai_service_details = None details = { "models": model_details, "experiments": experiment_details, "pipeline": pipeline_details, "functions": function_details, } if ai_service_details is not None: details["ai_service"] = ai_service_details else: artifact_type = self._check_artifact_type(str(artifact_id)) if artifact_type["model"] is True: details = self.get_model_details(artifact_id) elif artifact_type["experiment"] is True: details = self.get_experiment_details(artifact_id) elif artifact_type["pipeline"] is True: details = self.get_pipeline_details(artifact_id) elif artifact_type["function"] is True: details = self.get_function_details(artifact_id) elif artifact_type["ai_service"] is True: details = self.get_ai_service_details(artifact_id) else: raise WMLClientError( "Getting artifact details failed. Artifact id: '{}' not found.".format( artifact_id ) ) return details
[docs] def get_id_by_name(self, artifact_name: str) -> str: """Get the ID of a stored artifact by name. :param artifact_name: name of the stored artifact :type artifact_name: str :return: ID of the stored artifact if exactly one with the 'artifact_name' exists. Otherwise, raise an error. :rtype: str **Example:** .. code-block:: python artifact_id = client.repository.get_id_by_name(artifact_name) """ details = self.get_details(artifact_name=artifact_name) # Check whether 0, 1, or more artifacts were found in 'details' results details_by_name = {} for artifact_type, artifact_details in details.items(): if len(artifact_details["resources"]) == 1 and not details_by_name: # Found first artifact details_by_name = artifact_details["resources"][0] elif len(artifact_details["resources"]) > 0 and details_by_name: # Found another artifact of different type raise WMLClientError( Messages.get_message( artifact_name, message_id="multiple_artifacts_found_by_name", ) ) elif len(artifact_details["resources"]) > 1: # Found more than 1 artifact of a specific type raise WMLClientError( Messages.get_message( artifact_name, message_id="multiple_artifacts_found_by_name", ) ) if not details_by_name: raise WMLClientError( f"Artifact with artifact_name: '{artifact_name}' does not exist." ) return details_by_name["metadata"]["id"]
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Models.get_details) def get_model_details( self, model_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, asynchronous: bool = False, get_all: bool = False, spec_state: SpecStates | None = None, model_name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: model_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid( kwargs, model_id, "model", can_be_none=True ) return self._client._models.get_details( model_id=model_id, limit=limit, asynchronous=asynchronous, get_all=get_all, spec_state=spec_state, model_name=model_name, )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Models.get_revision_details) def get_model_revision_details( self, model_id: str | None = None, rev_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: model_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, model_id, "model") rev_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, rev_id, "rev") return self._client._models.get_revision_details(model_id, rev_id)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Experiments.get_details) def get_experiment_details( self, experiment_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, asynchronous: bool = False, get_all: bool = False, experiment_name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: return self._client.experiments.get_details( experiment_id=experiment_id, limit=limit, asynchronous=asynchronous, get_all=get_all, experiment_name=experiment_name, **kwargs, )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Experiments.get_revision_details) def get_experiment_revision_details( self, experiment_id: str, rev_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: return self._client.experiments.get_revision_details( experiment_id, rev_id, **kwargs )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Functions.get_details) def get_function_details( self, function_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, asynchronous: bool = False, get_all: bool = False, spec_state: SpecStates | None = None, function_name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: return self._client._functions.get_details( function_id=function_id, limit=limit, asynchronous=asynchronous, get_all=get_all, spec_state=spec_state, function_name=function_name, **kwargs, )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Functions.get_revision_details) def get_function_revision_details( self, function_id: str, rev_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: return self._client._functions.get_revision_details( function_id, rev_id, **kwargs )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Pipelines.get_details) def get_pipeline_details( self, pipeline_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, asynchronous: bool = False, get_all: bool = False, pipeline_name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: pipeline_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid( kwargs, pipeline_id, "pipeline", can_be_none=True ) Repository._validate_type(pipeline_id, "pipeline_id", str, False) Repository._validate_type(limit, "limit", int, False) Repository._validate_type(asynchronous, "asynchronous", bool, False) Repository._validate_type(get_all, "get_all", bool, False) return self._client.pipelines.get_details( pipeline_id=pipeline_id, limit=limit, asynchronous=asynchronous, get_all=get_all, pipeline_name=pipeline_name, **kwargs, )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Pipelines.get_revision_details) def get_pipeline_revision_details( self, pipeline_id: str | None = None, rev_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: pipeline_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, pipeline_id, "pipeline") return self._client.pipelines.get_revision_details( pipeline_id, rev_id, **kwargs )
[docs] @staticmethod @inherited_docstring(Models.get_href) def get_model_href(model_details: dict) -> str: return Models.get_href(model_details)
[docs] @staticmethod @inherited_docstring(Models.get_id) def get_model_id(model_details: dict) -> str: return Models.get_id(model_details)
[docs] @staticmethod @inherited_docstring( Experiments.get_id, {"experiments.get_details": "repository.get_experiment_details"}, ) def get_experiment_id(experiment_details: dict) -> str: return Experiments.get_id(experiment_details)
[docs] @staticmethod @inherited_docstring( Experiments.get_href, {"experiments.get_details": "repository.get_experiment_details"}, ) def get_experiment_href(experiment_details: dict) -> str: return Experiments.get_href(experiment_details)
[docs] @staticmethod @inherited_docstring(Functions.get_id) def get_function_id(function_details: dict) -> str: return Functions.get_id(function_details)
[docs] @staticmethod @inherited_docstring(Functions.get_href) def get_function_href(function_details: dict) -> str: return Functions.get_href(function_details)
[docs] @staticmethod @inherited_docstring( Pipelines.get_href, {"pipelines.get_details": "repository.get_pipeline_details"} ) def get_pipeline_href(pipeline_details: dict) -> str: return Pipelines.get_href(pipeline_details)
[docs] @staticmethod @inherited_docstring(Pipelines.get_id) def get_pipeline_id(pipeline_details: dict) -> str: return Pipelines.get_id(pipeline_details)
[docs] def list(self, framework_filter: str | None = None) -> pandas.DataFrame: """Get and list stored models, pipelines, functions, experiments, and AI services in a table/DataFrame format. :param framework_filter: get only the frameworks with the desired names :type framework_filter: str, optional :return: DataFrame with listed names and IDs of stored models :rtype: pandas.DataFrame **Example:** .. code-block:: python client.repository.list() client.repository.list(framework_filter='prompt_tune') """ params = self._client._params() isIcp = self._client.ICP_PLATFORM_SPACES endpoints = { "model": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_published_models_href(), "experiment": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_experiments_href(), "pipeline": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_pipelines_href(), "function": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_functions_href(), "ai_service": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_ai_services_href(), } artifact_get = {} for artifact in endpoints: params = self._client._params() artifact_get[artifact] = get_url( endpoints[artifact], self._client._get_headers(), params, isIcp ) resources: dict[str, list] = {artifact: [] for artifact in endpoints} for artifact in endpoints: try: response = artifact_get[artifact] response_text = self._handle_response( 200, "getting all {}s".format(artifact), response ) resources[artifact] = response_text["resources"] except Exception as e: self._logger.error(e) sw_spec_info = { s["id"]: s for s in self._client.software_specifications.get_details(state_info=True)[ "resources" ] } def get_spec_info(spec_id: str, prop: str) -> str: if spec_id and spec_id in sw_spec_info: return sw_spec_info[spec_id].get(prop, "") else: return "" values = [] for t in endpoints.keys(): values += [ ( m["metadata"]["id"], m["metadata"]["name"], m["metadata"]["created_at"], m["entity"]["type"] if t == "model" else "-", ( t if t != "function" or t != "ai_service" else m["entity"]["type"] + " function" ), get_spec_info( m["entity"].get("software_spec", {}).get("id"), "state" ), get_spec_info( m["entity"].get("software_spec", {}).get("id"), "replacement", ), ) for m in resources[t] ] columns = [ "ID", "NAME", "CREATED", "FRAMEWORK", "TYPE", "SPEC_STATE", "SPEC_REPLACEMENT", ] from pandas import DataFrame table = DataFrame(data=values, columns=columns) table = table.sort_values(by=["CREATED"], ascending=False).reset_index( drop=True ) if framework_filter: table = table[table["FRAMEWORK"].str.contains(framework_filter)] return table
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Models.list) def list_models( self, limit: int | None = None, asynchronous: bool = False, get_all: bool = False, ) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._client._models.list( limit=limit, asynchronous=asynchronous, get_all=get_all )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Experiments.list) def list_experiments(self, limit: int | None = None) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._client.experiments.list(limit=limit)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Functions.list) def list_functions(self, limit: int | None = None) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._client._functions.list(limit=limit)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Pipelines.list) def list_pipelines(self, limit: int | None = None) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._client.pipelines.list(limit=limit)
def _check_artifact_type(self, artifact_id: str) -> dict[str, bool]: Repository._validate_type(artifact_id, "artifact_id", str, True) def _artifact_exists(response: Response | None) -> bool: return ( (response is not None) and ("status_code" in dir(response)) and (response.status_code == 200) ) isIcp = self._client.ICP_PLATFORM_SPACES endpoints = { "model": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_model_last_version_href( artifact_id ), "pipeline": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_pipeline_href( artifact_id ), "experiment": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_experiment_href( artifact_id ), "function": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_function_href( artifact_id ), "ai_service": self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_ai_service_href( artifact_id ), } artifact_get = {} for artifact in endpoints: params = self._client._params() artifact_get[artifact] = get_url( endpoints[artifact], self._client._get_headers(), params, isIcp ) response_get: dict[str, Response | None] = { artifact: None for artifact in endpoints } for artifact in endpoints: try: response_get[artifact] = artifact_get[artifact] artifact_res = cast(Response, response_get[artifact]) self._logger.debug( "Response({})[{}]: {}".format( endpoints[artifact], artifact_res.status_code, artifact_res.text, ) ) except Exception as e: self._logger.debug("Error during checking artifact type: " + str(e)) artifact_type = { artifact: _artifact_exists(response_get[artifact]) for artifact in response_get } return artifact_type
[docs] def create_revision(self, artifact_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: """Create a revision for passed `artifact_id`. :param artifact_id: unique ID of a stored model, experiment, function, or pipelines :type artifact_id: str :return: artifact new revision metadata :rtype: dict **Example:** .. code-block:: python details = client.repository.create_revision(artifact_id) """ artifact_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, artifact_id, "artifact") Repository._validate_type(artifact_id, "artifact_id", str, True) artifact_type = self._check_artifact_type(str(artifact_id)) if artifact_type["experiment"] is True: return self._client.experiments.create_revision(artifact_id) elif artifact_type["pipeline"] is True: return self._client.pipelines.create_revision(artifact_id) elif artifact_type["ai_service"] is True: return self._client._ai_services.create_revision(artifact_id) else: raise WMLClientError( "Getting artifact details failed. Artifact id: '{}' not found.".format( artifact_id ) )
def _get_revision_details( self, artifact_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: """Get metadata of the stored artifacts revisions. :param artifact_id: unique ID of a stored model, experiment, function, pipelines :type artifact_id: str :return: stored artifacts metadata :rtype: dict **Example:** .. code-block:: python details = client.repository.get_revision_details(artifact_id) """ artifact_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, artifact_id, "artifact") Repository._validate_type(artifact_id, "artifact_id", str, True) artifact_type = self._check_artifact_type(str(artifact_id)) if artifact_type["experiment"] is True: details = self._client.experiments.get_revision_details(artifact_id) elif artifact_type["pipeline"] is True: details = self._client.pipelines.get_revision_details(artifact_id) else: raise WMLClientError( "Getting artifact details failed. Artifact id: '{}' not found.".format( artifact_id ) ) return details
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Models.list_revisions) def list_models_revisions( self, model_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> pandas.DataFrame: model_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, model_id, "model") return self._client._models.list_revisions(model_id, limit=limit, **kwargs)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Pipelines.list_revisions) def list_pipelines_revisions( self, pipeline_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> pandas.DataFrame: pipeline_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid(kwargs, pipeline_id, "pipeline") return self._client.pipelines.list_revisions(pipeline_id, limit=limit)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Functions.list_revisions) def list_functions_revisions( self, function_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._client._functions.list_revisions( function_id, limit=limit, **kwargs )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Experiments.list_revisions) def list_experiments_revisions( self, experiment_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._client.experiments.list_revisions( experiment_id, limit=limit, **kwargs )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(Models.promote) def promote_model( self, model_id: str, source_project_id: str, target_space_id: str ) -> str: # deprecated return self._client._models.promote( model_id, source_project_id, target_space_id )
[docs] @inherited_docstring( def store_ai_service( self, ai_service: str | Callable, meta_props: dict[str, Any] ) -> dict: return, meta_props)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(AIServices.get_details) def get_ai_service_details( self, ai_service_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, asynchronous: bool = False, get_all: bool = False, spec_state: SpecStates | None = None, ai_service_name: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: return self._client._ai_services.get_details( ai_service_id=ai_service_id, limit=limit, asynchronous=asynchronous, get_all=get_all, spec_state=spec_state, ai_service_name=ai_service_name, )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(AIServices.update) def update_ai_service( self, ai_service_id: str, changes: dict, update_ai_service: str | Callable | None = None, ) -> dict: return self._client._ai_services.update( ai_service_id, changes, update_ai_service )
[docs] @staticmethod @inherited_docstring(AIServices.get_id) def get_ai_service_id(ai_service_details: dict) -> str: return AIServices.get_id(ai_service_details)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(AIServices.list) def list_ai_services(self, limit: int | None = None) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._client._ai_services.list(limit=limit)
[docs] @inherited_docstring(AIServices.create_revision) def create_ai_service_revision(self, ai_service_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: return self._client._ai_services.create_revision( ai_service_id=ai_service_id, **kwargs )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(AIServices.get_revision_details) def get_ai_service_revision_details( self, ai_service_id: str, rev_id: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: return self._client._ai_services.get_revision_details( ai_service_id, rev_id, **kwargs )
[docs] @inherited_docstring(AIServices.list_revisions) def list_ai_service_revisions( self, ai_service_id: str, limit: int | None = None ) -> pandas.DataFrame: return self._client._ai_services.list_revisions(ai_service_id, limit=limit)