Source code for ibm_watsonx_ai.task_credentials

#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2023-2025.
#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal, Any
import warnings

from ibm_watsonx_ai._wrappers import requests
from ibm_watsonx_ai.utils.utils import _get_id_from_deprecated_uid

from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_client_error import WMLClientError
from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_resource import WMLResource

    from pandas import DataFrame
    from ibm_watsonx_ai import APIClient

[docs] class TaskCredentials(WMLResource): """Store and manage your task credentials.""" def __init__(self, client: APIClient) -> None: WMLResource.__init__(self, __name__, client)
[docs] def get_details( self, task_credentials_id: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> dict: """Get task credentials details. If no task_credentials_id is passed, details for all task credentials will be returned. :param task_credentials_id: ID of task credentials to be fetched :type task_credentials_id: str, optional :param project_id: ID of project to be used for filtering :type project_id: str, optional :param space_id: ID of space to be used for filtering :type space_id: str, optional :return: created task credentials details :rtype: dict (if task_credentials_id is not None) or {"resources": [dict]} (if task_credentials_id is None) **Example:** .. code-block:: python task_credentials_details = client.task_credentials.get_details(task_credentials_id) """ if self._client.ICP_PLATFORM_SPACES: raise WMLClientError("Task Credentials API is supported on Cloud only.") task_credentials_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid( kwargs, task_credentials_id, "task_credentials", True ) # TaskCredentials._validate_type(task_credentials_id, u'task_credentials_id', STR_TYPE, False) if task_credentials_id: response = requests.get( self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_task_credentials_href( task_credentials_id ), headers=self._client._get_headers(), ) return self._handle_response( 200, "get task credentials details", response, _silent_response_logging=True, ) else: params = {} if project_id := kwargs.get("project_id"): params["project_id"] = project_id elif space_id := kwargs.get("space_id"): params["space_id"] = space_id response = requests.get( self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_task_credentials_all_href(), params=params, headers=self._client._get_headers(), ) return { "resources": self._handle_response( 200, "get task credentials details", response, _silent_response_logging=True, ).get("credentials", {}) }
[docs] def store( self, name: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> dict: """Store current credentials using Task Credentials API to use with long run tasks. Supported only on Cloud. :param name: Name of the task credentials. Defaults to `Python API generated task credentials` :type name: str, optional :param description: Description of the task credentials. Defaults to `Python API generated task credentials` :type description: str, optional :return: A dictionary containing metadata of the stored task credentials. :rtype: dict **Example:** .. code-block:: python task_credentials_details = """ if self._client.ICP_PLATFORM_SPACES: raise WMLClientError("Task Credentials API is supported on Cloud only.") href = ( self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_task_credentials_all_href() ) if kwargs.get("project_id") is not None or kwargs.get("space_id") is not None: warnings.warn( "Scope fields: project_id/space_id are not yet supported by Task Credentials Service." ) if not self.list().empty: raise WMLClientError( "Task Credentials have already been stored. Use old or delete them." ) creation_response = href, params=self._client._params(skip_for_create=True), headers=self._client._get_headers(), json={ "name": name if name else "Python API generated task credentials", "description": ( description if description else "Python API generated task credentials." ), "type": "iam_api_key", "secret": {"api_key": self._client.credentials.api_key}, }, ) return self._handle_response( 201, "creating task credentials", creation_response, _silent_response_logging=True, )
[docs] def list( self, limit: int | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> DataFrame: """Lists task credentials in table format. :param limit: limit number of fetched records :type limit: int, optional :return: pandas.DataFrame with listed assets :rtype: pandas.DataFrame **Example:** .. code-block:: python client.task_credentials.list() """ if self._client.ICP_PLATFORM_SPACES: raise WMLClientError("Task Credentials API is supported on Cloud only.") details = self.get_details(**kwargs) task_credentials_details = details["resources"] task_credentials_values = [ (m["name"], m["id"], m["scope"]) for m in task_credentials_details ] return self._list( task_credentials_values, ["NAME", "ASSET_ID", "TYPE"], limit, )
[docs] @staticmethod def get_id(task_credentials_details: dict) -> str: """Get Unique Id of task credentials. :param task_credentials_details: metadata of the task credentials :type task_credentials_details: dict :return: Unique Id of task credentials :rtype: str **Example:** .. code-block:: python task_credentials_id = client.task_credentials.get_id(task_credentials_details) """ return task_credentials_details["id"]
[docs] def delete(self, task_credentials_id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Literal["SUCCESS"]: """Delete a software specification. :param task_credentials_id: Unique Id of task credentials :type task_credentials_id: str :return: status "SUCCESS" if deletion is successful :rtype: Literal["SUCCESS"] **Example:** .. code-block:: python client.task_credentials.delete(task_credentials_id) """ if self._client.ICP_PLATFORM_SPACES: raise WMLClientError("Task Credentials API is supported on Cloud only.") task_credentials_id = _get_id_from_deprecated_uid( kwargs, task_credentials_id, "task_credentials" ) TaskCredentials._validate_type( task_credentials_id, "task_credentials_id", str, True ) params = self._client._params(skip_for_create=True) if project_id := kwargs.get("project_id"): params["project_id"] = project_id if space_id := kwargs.get("space_id"): params["space_id"] = space_id if project_id or space_id: warnings.warn( "Scope fields: project_id/space_id are not yet supported by Task Credentials Service." ) response = requests.delete( self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_task_credentials_href( task_credentials_id ), params=params, headers=self._client._get_headers(), ) if response.status_code == 200: return self._handle_response( 200, "delete task credentials", response, _silent_response_logging=True ) else: return self._handle_response( 204, "delete task credentials", response, _silent_response_logging=True )