Source code for metanames

#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2023-2025.
#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING, cast

from tabulate import tabulate
import copy
import logging

from ibm_watsonx_ai.href_definitions import (
from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_client_error import WMLClientError
from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_resource import WMLResource

    from ibm_watsonx_ai import APIClient

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class MetaProp:
    def __init__(
        name: str,
        key: str,
        prop_type: Any,
        required: bool,
        example_value: Any,
        ignored: bool = False,
        hidden: bool = False,
        default_value: Any = "",
        schema: Any = "",
        path: str | None = None,
        transform: Any = lambda x, client: x,
        self.key = key = name
        self.prop_type = prop_type
        self.required = required
        self.example_value = example_value
        self.ignored = ignored
        self.hidden = hidden
        self.schema = schema
        self.default_value = default_value
        self.path = path if path is not None else "/" + key
        self.transform = transform

class MetaNamesBase:
    OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMA = "outputDataSchema"
    INPUT_DATA_SCHEMA = "inputDataSchema"
    DESCRIPTION = "description"
    LABEL_FIELD = "label_column"
    TRANSFORMED_LABEL_FIELD = "transformed_label"

    def __init__(self, meta_props_definitions: list[MetaProp]) -> None:
        self._meta_props_definitions = meta_props_definitions

    def _validate(self, meta_props: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        for meta_prop in self._meta_props_definitions:
            if (
                meta_prop.key != MetaNamesBase.OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMA
                and meta_prop.key != MetaNamesBase.INPUT_DATA_SCHEMA
                if meta_prop.ignored is False:
                    if meta_prop.key in meta_props:
                            "'{}' meta prop is deprecated. It will be ignored.".format(

    def _check_types_only(self, meta_props: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        for meta_prop in self._meta_props_definitions:
            if meta_prop.ignored is False:
                    meta_props, meta_prop.key, meta_prop.prop_type, False
                if meta_prop.key in meta_props:
                        "'{}' meta prop is deprecated. It will be ignored.".format(

    def get(self) -> list[str]:
        return sorted(
                    lambda x:,
                        lambda x: not x.ignored and not x.hidden,

    def show(self) -> None:

    def _generate_doc_table(self) -> str:
        return self._generate_table(
            default_value_label="Default value",
            example_value_label="Example value",

    def _generate_doc(self, resource_name: str, note: str | None = None) -> str:

        docstring_description = f"""
Set of MetaNames for {resource_name}.

Available MetaNames:


        if note is not None:
            docstring_description += f"""
.. note::
        return docstring_description

    def _generate_table(
        name_label: str = "META_PROP NAME",
        type_label: str = "TYPE",
        required_label: str = "REQUIRED",
        default_value_label: str = "DEFAULT_VALUE",
        example_value_label: str = "EXAMPLE_VALUE",
        schema_label: str = "SCHEMA",
        show_examples: bool = False,
        format: str = "simple",
        values_format: str = "{}",
    ) -> str:

        show_defaults = any(
            meta_prop.default_value != ""
            for meta_prop in filter(
                lambda x: not x.ignored and not x.hidden, self._meta_props_definitions
        show_schema = any(
            meta_prop.schema != ""
            for meta_prop in filter(
                lambda x: not x.ignored and not x.hidden, self._meta_props_definitions

        header = [name_label, type_label, required_label]
        if show_schema:

        if show_defaults:

        if show_examples:

        table_content = []

        for meta_prop in filter(
            lambda x: not x.ignored and not x.hidden, self._meta_props_definitions
            row = [
                "Y" if meta_prop.required else "N",

            if show_schema:
                    if meta_prop.schema != ""
                    else ""

            if show_defaults:
                    if meta_prop.default_value != ""
                    else ""

            if show_examples:
                    if meta_prop.example_value != ""
                    else ""


        table = tabulate([header] + table_content, tablefmt=format)
        return table

    def get_example_values(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return dict(
            (x.key, x.example_value)
            for x in filter(
                lambda x: not x.ignored and not x.hidden, self._meta_props_definitions

    def _generate_resource_metadata(
        meta_props: dict[str, Any],
        client: APIClient | None = None,
        with_validation: bool = False,
        initial_metadata: dict[str, Any] = {},
    ) -> dict[str, Any]:
        if with_validation:

        metadata = copy.deepcopy(initial_metadata)

        def update_map(m: dict | list, path: list[int | str], el: Any) -> None:
            if type(m) is dict:
                if len(path) == 1:
                    m[path[0]] = el
                    if path[0] not in m:
                        if type(path[1]) is not int:
                            m[path[0]] = {}
                            m[path[0]] = []
                    update_map(m[path[0]], path[1:], el)
            elif type(m) is list:
                if len(path) == 1:
                    if len(m) > len(path):
                        m[cast(int, path[0])] = el
                    if len(m) <= cast(int, path[0]):
                    update_map(m[cast(int, path[0])], path[1:], el)
                raise WMLClientError(
                    "Unexpected metadata path type: {}".format(type(m))

        for meta_prop_def in filter(
            lambda x: not x.ignored, self._meta_props_definitions
            if meta_prop_def.key in meta_props:

                path: list[int | str] = [
                    int(p) if p.isdigit() else p
                    for p in meta_prop_def.path.split("/")[1:]

                    meta_prop_def.transform(meta_props[meta_prop_def.key], client),

        return metadata

    def _generate_patch_payload(
        current_metadata: dict[str, Any],
        meta_props: dict[str, Any],
        client: APIClient | None = None,
        with_validation: bool = False,
    ) -> list[dict]:
        if with_validation:

        def _generate_patch_payload_simple(
            meta_props_: dict[str, Any], current_metadata_: dict[str, Any]
        ) -> list[dict]:
            updated_metadata = self._generate_resource_metadata(
                meta_props_, client, False, current_metadata_

            patch_payload: list[dict] = []

            def contained_path(
                metadata: dict, path: list[int | str]
            ) -> list[int | str]:
                if path[0] in metadata:
                    if len(path) == 1:
                        return [path[0]]
                        rest_of_path = contained_path(metadata[path[0]], path[1:])
                        if rest_of_path is None:
                            return [path[0]]
                            return [path[0]] + rest_of_path
                    return []

            def get_value(metadata: dict, path: list[int | str]) -> Any:
                if len(path) == 1:
                    return metadata[path[0]]
                    return get_value(metadata[path[0]], path[1:])

            def already_in_payload(path: list[int | str]) -> bool:
                return any([el["path"] == path for el in patch_payload])

            def update_payload(path: list[int | str]) -> None:
                existing_path = contained_path(current_metadata_, path)

                if len(existing_path) == len(path):
                            "op": "replace",
                            "path": "/"
                            + "/".join([cast(str, e) for e in existing_path]),
                            "value": get_value(updated_metadata, existing_path),
                    if not already_in_payload(existing_path):
                        final_path = existing_path + [path[len(existing_path)]]
                                "op": "add",
                                "path": "/"
                                + "/".join([cast(str, e) for e in final_path]),
                                "value": get_value(

            for meta_prop_def in filter(
                lambda x: not x.ignored, self._meta_props_definitions
                if meta_prop_def.key in meta_props_:

                    path: list[int | str] = [
                        int(p) if p.isdigit() else p
                        for p in meta_prop_def.path.split("/")[1:]


            return patch_payload

        metadata_props = {
            m: meta_props[m]
            for d in self._meta_props_definitions
            for m in meta_props
            if d.key == m and d.path.startswith("/metadata/")
        entity_props = {
            m: meta_props[m]
            for d in self._meta_props_definitions
            for m in meta_props
            if d.key == m and not d.path.startswith("/metadata/")

        res = []

        if len(metadata_props) > 0:
            res += _generate_patch_payload_simple(metadata_props, current_metadata)

        if len(entity_props) > 0:
            res += _generate_patch_payload_simple(
                    if "entity" in current_metadata
                    else current_metadata

        return res

[docs] class TrainingConfigurationMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): TAGS = "tags" EXPERIMENT = "experiment" PIPELINE = "pipeline" MODEL_DEFINITION = "model_definition" PROMPT_TUNING = "prompt_tuning" FINE_TUNING = "fine_tuning" AUTO_UPDATE_MODEL = "auto_update_model" FEDERATED_LEARNING = "federated_learning" NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" SPACE_UID = "space_uid" TRAINING_DATA_REFERENCES = "training_data_references" TEST_DATA_REFERENCES = "test_data_references" TEST_OUTPUT_DATA = "test_output_data" TRAINING_RESULTS_REFERENCE = "results_reference" _COMPUTE_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT = "k80" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp( "TRAINING_DATA_REFERENCES", TRAINING_DATA_REFERENCES, list, True, [ { "connection": { "endpoint_url": "", "access_key_id": "***", "secret_access_key": "***", }, "location": {"bucket": "train-data", "path": "training_path"}, "type": "s3", "schema": { "id": "1", "fields": [ {"name": "x", "type": "double", "nullable": "False"} ], }, } ], schema=[ { "name(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": { "endpoint_url(required)": "string", "access_key_id(required)": "string", "secret_access_key(required)": "string", }, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, "schema(optional)": { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, } ], ), MetaProp( "TRAINING_RESULTS_REFERENCE", TRAINING_RESULTS_REFERENCE, dict, True, { "connection": { "endpoint_url": "", "access_key_id": "***", "secret_access_key": "***", }, "location": {"bucket": "test-results", "path": "training_path"}, "type": "s3", }, schema={ "name(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": { "endpoint_url(required)": "string", "access_key_id(required)": "string", "secret_access_key(required)": "string", }, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, }, ), MetaProp( "TEST_DATA_REFERENCES", TEST_DATA_REFERENCES, list, False, [ { "connection": { "endpoint_url": "", "access_key_id": "***", "secret_access_key": "***", }, "location": {"bucket": "train-data", "path": "training_path"}, "type": "s3", "schema": { "id": "1", "fields": [ {"name": "x", "type": "double", "nullable": "False"} ], }, } ], schema=[ { "name(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": { "endpoint_url(required)": "string", "access_key_id(required)": "string", "secret_access_key(required)": "string", }, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, "schema(optional)": { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, } ], ), MetaProp( "TEST_OUTPUT_DATA", TEST_OUTPUT_DATA, dict, False, [ { "connection": { "endpoint_url": "", "access_key_id": "***", "secret_access_key": "***", }, "location": {"bucket": "train-data", "path": "training_path"}, "type": "s3", "schema": { "id": "1", "fields": [ {"name": "x", "type": "double", "nullable": "False"} ], }, } ], schema={ "name(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": { "endpoint_url(required)": "string", "access_key_id(required)": "string", "secret_access_key(required)": "string", }, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, "schema(optional)": { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, }, ), MetaProp("TAGS", TAGS, list, False, ["string"], schema=["string"]), MetaProp( "PIPELINE", PIPELINE, dict, False, { "id": "3c1ce536-20dc-426e-aac7-7284cf3befc6", "rev": "1", "modeltype": "tensorflow_1.1.3-py3", "data_bindings": [ {"data_reference_name": "string", "node_id": "string"} ], "node_parameters": [{"node_id": "string", "parameters": {}}], "hardware_spec": { "id": "4cedab6d-e8e4-4214-b81a-2ddb122db2ab", "rev": "12", "name": "string", "num_nodes": "2", }, "hybrid_pipeline_hardware_specs": [ { "node_runtime_id": "string", "hardware_spec": { "id": "4cedab6d-e8e4-4214-b81a-2ddb122db2ab", "rev": "12", "name": "string", "num_nodes": "2", }, } ], }, ), MetaProp( "EXPERIMENT", EXPERIMENT, dict, False, { "id": "3c1ce536-20dc-426e-aac7-7284cf3befc6", "rev": 1, "description": "test experiment", }, ), MetaProp( "PROMPT_TUNING", PROMPT_TUNING, dict, False, {"task_id": "generation", "base_model": {"model_id": "google/flan-t5-xl"}}, ), MetaProp( "FINE_TUNING", FINE_TUNING, dict, False, { "task_id": "generation", "base_model": {"model_id": "bigscience/bloom-560m"}, }, ), MetaProp( "AUTO_UPDATE_MODEL", AUTO_UPDATE_MODEL, bool, False, example_value=False ), MetaProp( "FEDERATED_LEARNING", FEDERATED_LEARNING, dict, False, example_value="3c1ce536-20dc-426e-aac7-7284cf3befc6", path="/federated_learning", ), MetaProp( "SPACE_UID", SPACE_UID, str, False, "3c1ce536-20dc-426e-aac7-7284cf3befc6", path="/space/href", transform=lambda x, client: x, ), MetaProp( "MODEL_DEFINITION", MODEL_DEFINITION, dict, False, { "id": "4cedab6d-e8e4-4214-b81a-2ddb122db2ab", "rev": "12", "model_type": "string", "hardware_spec": { "id": "4cedab6d-e8e4-4214-b81a-2ddb122db2ab", "rev": "12", "name": "string", "num_nodes": "2", }, "software_spec": { "id": "4cedab6d-e8e4-4214-b81a-2ddb122db2ab", "rev": "12", "name": "...", }, "command": "string", "parameters": {}, }, ), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, True, example_value="tensorflow model training", ), MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, example_value="sample training"), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("trainings") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class ExperimentMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" TAGS = "tags" EVALUATION_METHOD = "evaluation_method" EVALUATION_METRICS = "evaluation_metrics" TRAINING_REFERENCES = "training_references" SPACE_UID = "space_uid" LABEL_COLUMN = "label_column" CUSTOM = "custom" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "Hand-written Digit Recognition"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "Hand-written Digit Recognition training", ), MetaProp( "TAGS", TAGS, list, False, [ { "value": "dsx-project.<project-guid>", "description": "DSX project guid", } ], schema=[{"value(required)": "string", "description(optional)": "string"}], ), MetaProp( "EVALUATION_METHOD", EVALUATION_METHOD, str, False, "multiclass", path="/evaluation_definition/method", ), MetaProp( "EVALUATION_METRICS", EVALUATION_METRICS, list, False, [{"name": "accuracy", "maximize": False}], path="/evaluation_definition/metrics", schema=[{"name(required)": "string", "maximize(optional)": "boolean"}], ), MetaProp( "TRAINING_REFERENCES", TRAINING_REFERENCES, list, True, [ { "pipeline": { "href": "/v4/pipelines/6d758251-bb01-4aa5-a7a3-72339e2ff4d8" } } ], schema=[ { "pipeline(optional)": { "href(required)": "string", "data_bindings(optional)": [ { "data_reference(required)": "string", "node_id(required)": "string", } ], "nodes_parameters(optional)": [ { "node_id(required)": "string", "parameters(required)": "dict", } ], }, "training_lib(optional)": { "href(required)": "string", "compute(optional)": { "name(required)": "string", "nodes(optional)": "number", }, "runtime(optional)": {"href(required)": "string"}, "command(optional)": "string", "parameters(optional)": "dict", }, } ], ), MetaProp( "SPACE_UID", SPACE_UID, str, False, "3c1ce536-20dc-426e-aac7-7284cf3befc6", path="/space/href", transform=lambda x, client: API_VERSION + SPACES + "/" + x, ), MetaProp("LABEL_COLUMN", LABEL_COLUMN, str, False, "label"), MetaProp("CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, {"field1": "value1"}), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("experiments") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class PipelineMetanames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" TAGS = "tags" SPACE_UID = "space_url" SPACE_ID = "space_url" IMPORT = "import" DOCUMENT = "document" CUSTOM = "custom" RUNTIMES = "runtimes" COMMAND = "command" COMPUTE = "compute" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "Hand-written Digit Recognitionu"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "Hand-written Digit Recognition training", ), MetaProp( "SPACE_ID", SPACE_ID, str, False, "3c1ce536-20dc-426e-aac7-7284cf3befc6", path="/space/href", transform=lambda x, client: API_VERSION + SPACES + "/" + x, ), MetaProp( "SPACE_UID", SPACE_UID, str, False, "3c1ce536-20dc-426e-aac7-7284cf3befc6", path="/space/href", transform=lambda x, client: API_VERSION + SPACES + "/" + x, ), MetaProp( "TAGS", TAGS, list, False, [ { "value": "dsx-project.<project-guid>", "description": "DSX project guid", } ], schema=[{"value(required)": "string", "description(optional)": "string"}], ), MetaProp( "DOCUMENT", DOCUMENT, dict, False, example_value={ "doc_type": "pipeline", "version": "2.0", "primary_pipeline": "dlaas_only", "pipelines": [ { "id": "dlaas_only", "runtime_ref": "hybrid", "nodes": [ { "id": "training", "type": "model_node", "op": "dl_train", "runtime_ref": "DL", "inputs": [], "outputs": [], "parameters": { "name": "tf-mnist", "description": "Simple MNIST model implemented in TF", "command": "python3 --trainImagesFile ${DATA_DIR}/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz --trainLabelsFile ${DATA_DIR}/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz --testImagesFile ${DATA_DIR}/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz --testLabelsFile ${DATA_DIR}/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz --learningRate 0.001 --trainingIters 6000", "compute": {"name": "k80", "nodes": 1}, "training_lib_href": "/v4/libraries/64758251-bt01-4aa5-a7ay-72639e2ff4d2/content", }, "target_bucket": "wml-dev-results", } ], } ], }, schema={ "doc_type(required)": "string", "version(required)": "string", "primary_pipeline(required)": "string", "pipelines(required)": [ { "id(required)": "string", "runtime_ref(required)": "string", "nodes(required)": [ { "id": "string", "type": "string", "inputs": "list", "outputs": "list", "parameters": {"training_lib_href": "string"}, } ], } ], }, ), MetaProp("CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, example_value={"field1": "value1"}), MetaProp( "IMPORT", IMPORT, dict, False, example_value={ "connection": { "endpoint_url": "", "access_key_id": "***", "secret_access_key": "***", }, "location": {"bucket": "train-data", "path": "training_path"}, "type": "s3", }, schema={ "name(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": { "endpoint_url(required)": "string", "access_key_id(required)": "string", "secret_access_key(required)": "string", }, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, }, ), MetaProp( "RUNTIMES", RUNTIMES, list, False, example_value=[{"id": "id", "name": "tensorflow", "version": "1.13-py3"}], ), MetaProp( "COMMAND", COMMAND, str, False, example_value=" --trainImagesFile train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz --trainLabelsFile train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz --testImagesFile t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz --testLabelsFile t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz --learningRate 0.001 --trainingIters 6000", ), MetaProp( "COMPUTE", COMPUTE, dict, False, example_value={"name": "k80", "nodes": 1} ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("pipelines") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
class LearningSystemMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): _COMPUTE_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT = "k80" FEEDBACK_DATA_REFERENCE = "feedback_data_reference" SPARK_REFERENCE = "spark_instance" MIN_FEEDBACK_DATA_SIZE = "min_feedback_data_size" AUTO_RETRAIN = "auto_retrain" AUTO_REDEPLOY = "auto_redeploy" COMPUTE_CONFIGURATION = "compute_configuration" TRAINING_RESULTS_REFERENCE = "training_results_reference" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp( "FEEDBACK_DATA_REFERENCE", FEEDBACK_DATA_REFERENCE, dict, True, example_value={}, ), MetaProp("SPARK_REFERENCE", SPARK_REFERENCE, dict, False, example_value={}), MetaProp( "MIN_FEEDBACK_DATA_SIZE", MIN_FEEDBACK_DATA_SIZE, int, True, example_value=100, ), MetaProp( "AUTO_RETRAIN", AUTO_RETRAIN, str, True, example_value="conditionally" ), MetaProp("AUTO_REDEPLOY", AUTO_REDEPLOY, str, True, example_value="always"), MetaProp( "COMPUTE_CONFIGURATION", COMPUTE_CONFIGURATION, dict, False, example_value={"name": _COMPUTE_CONFIGURATION_DEFAULT}, ), MetaProp( "TRAINING_RESULTS_REFERENCE", TRAINING_RESULTS_REFERENCE, dict, False, example_value={ "connection": { "endpoint_url": "", "access_key_id": "***", "secret_access_key": "***", }, "target": {"bucket": "train-data"}, "type": "s3", }, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("learning system") class MemberMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): IDENTITY = "identity" ROLE = "role" IDENTITY_TYPE = "identity_type" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp( "IDENTITY", IDENTITY, str, True, "IBMid-060000123A (service-ID or IAM-userID)", ), MetaProp("ROLE", ROLE, str, True, "Supported values - Viewer/Editor/Admin"), MetaProp( "IDENTITY_USER", IDENTITY_TYPE, str, True, "Supported values - service/user" ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("Member Specs") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class ModelMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = MetaNamesBase.DESCRIPTION TRAINING_DATA_REFERENCES = "training_data_references" TEST_DATA_REFERENCES = "test_data_references" OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMA = MetaNamesBase.OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMA LABEL_FIELD = MetaNamesBase.LABEL_FIELD TRANSFORMED_LABEL_FIELD = MetaNamesBase.TRANSFORMED_LABEL_FIELD RUNTIME_UID = "runtime" RUNTIME_ID = "runtime" INPUT_DATA_SCHEMA = MetaNamesBase.INPUT_DATA_SCHEMA CUSTOM = "custom" DOMAIN = "domain" HYPER_PARAMETERS = "hyper_parameters" TAGS = "tags" SPACE_UID = "space" SPACE_ID = "space" PIPELINE_UID = "pipeline" PIPELINE_ID = "pipeline" TYPE = "type" SIZE = "size" IMPORT = "import" TRAINING_LIB_UID = "training_lib" TRAINING_LIB_ID = "training_lib" MODEL_DEFINITION_UID = "model_definition" MODEL_DEFINITION_ID = "model_definition" METRICS = "metrics" SOFTWARE_SPEC_UID = "software_spec" SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID = "software_spec" TF_MODEL_PARAMS = "tf_model_params" FAIRNESS_INFO = "fairness_info" FOUNDATION_MODEL = "foundation_model" MODEL_LOCATION = "model_location" FRAMEWORK = "framework" VERSION = "version" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "my_model"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my_description", path="/description", ), MetaProp( "INPUT_DATA_SCHEMA", INPUT_DATA_SCHEMA, list, False, example_value={ "id": "1", "type": "struct", "fields": [ {"name": "x", "type": "double", "nullable": False, "metadata": {}}, {"name": "y", "type": "double", "nullable": False, "metadata": {}}, ], }, path="/input_data_schema", schema={ "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, ), MetaProp( "TRAINING_DATA_REFERENCES", TRAINING_DATA_REFERENCES, list, False, [], path="/training_data_references", schema=[ { "name(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": { "endpoint_url(required)": "string", "access_key_id(required)": "string", "secret_access_key(required)": "string", }, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, "schema(optional)": { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, } ], ), MetaProp( "TEST_DATA_REFERENCES", TEST_DATA_REFERENCES, list, False, [], path="/test_data_references", schema=[ { "name(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": { "endpoint_url(required)": "string", "access_key_id(required)": "string", "secret_access_key(required)": "string", }, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, "schema(optional)": { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, } ], ), MetaProp( "OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMA", OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMA, dict, False, example_value={ "id": "1", "type": "struct", "fields": [ {"name": "x", "type": "double", "nullable": False, "metadata": {}}, {"name": "y", "type": "double", "nullable": False, "metadata": {}}, ], }, path="/output_data_schema", schema={ "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, ), MetaProp( "LABEL_FIELD", LABEL_FIELD, str, False, example_value="PRODUCT_LINE", path="/label_column", ), MetaProp( "TRANSFORMED_LABEL_FIELD", TRANSFORMED_LABEL_FIELD, str, False, example_value="PRODUCT_LINE_IX", path="/transformed_label", ), MetaProp( "TAGS", TAGS, list, False, example_value=["string", "string"], schema=["string", "string"], ), MetaProp( "SIZE", SIZE, dict, False, example_value={"in_memory": 0, "content": 0}, schema={"in_memory(optional)": "string", "content(optional)": "string"}, ), MetaProp( "SPACE_ID", SPACE_ID, str, False, example_value="53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", path="/space/href", hidden=True, ), MetaProp( "PIPELINE_ID", PIPELINE_ID, str, False, example_value="53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", path="/pipeline/href", ), MetaProp( "RUNTIME_ID", RUNTIME_ID, str, False, example_value="53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", path="/runtime/href", ), MetaProp("TYPE", TYPE, str, True, example_value="mllib_2.1", path="/type"), MetaProp("CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, example_value={}), MetaProp("DOMAIN", DOMAIN, str, False, example_value="Watson Machine Learning"), MetaProp("HYPER_PARAMETERS", HYPER_PARAMETERS, dict, False, example_value=""), MetaProp("METRICS", METRICS, list, False, example_value=""), MetaProp( "IMPORT", IMPORT, dict, False, example_value={ "connection": { "endpoint_url": "", "access_key_id": "***", "secret_access_key": "***", }, "location": {"bucket": "train-data", "path": "training_path"}, "type": "s3", }, schema={ "name(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": { "endpoint_url(required)": "string", "access_key_id(required)": "string", "secret_access_key(required)": "string", }, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, }, ), MetaProp( "TRAINING_LIB_ID", TRAINING_LIB_ID, str, False, example_value="53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", path="/training_lib", ), MetaProp( "MODEL_DEFINITION_ID", MODEL_DEFINITION_ID, str, False, example_value="53628d6_cdee13-35d3-s8989343", path="/model_definition", ), MetaProp( "SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID", SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID, str, False, example_value="53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", path="/software_spec/id", transform=lambda x, client: x, ), MetaProp( "TF_MODEL_PARAMS", TF_MODEL_PARAMS, dict, False, example_value={ "save_format": "None", "signatures": "struct", "options": "None", "custom_objects": "string", }, path="/tf_model_params", ), MetaProp( "FAIRNESS_INFO", FAIRNESS_INFO, dict, False, example_value={"favorable_labels": ["X"]}, path="/metrics/0/context/fairness/info", ), MetaProp( "FOUNDATION_MODEL", FOUNDATION_MODEL, dict, False, example_value={"model_id": "mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2"}, hidden=True, ), MetaProp( "MODEL_LOCATION", MODEL_LOCATION, dict, False, example_value={ "connection_id": "53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", "bucket": "cos_sample_bucket", "file_path": "path/to/model/on/cos", }, ), MetaProp( "FRAMEWORK", FRAMEWORK, str, False, example_value="custom_foundation_model", ), MetaProp( "VERSION", VERSION, str, False, example_value="1.0", ), ] __doc__ = ( MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("models") + """ **Note:** `project` (MetaNames.PROJECT_ID) and `space` (MetaNames.SPACE_ID) meta names are not supported and considered as invalid. Instead use client.set.default_space(<SPACE_ID>) to set the space or client.set.default_project(<PROJECT_ID>). """ ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
class PayloadLoggingMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): PAYLOAD_DATA_REFERENCE = "payload_store" LABELS = "labels" OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMA = "output_data_schema" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("PAYLOAD_DATA_REFERENCE", PAYLOAD_DATA_REFERENCE, dict, True, {}), MetaProp("LABELS", LABELS, list, False, ["a", "b", "c"]), MetaProp("OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMA", OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMA, dict, False, {}), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "payload logging system" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class FunctionMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" INPUT_DATA_SCHEMAS = "input_data_schemas" OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMAS = "output_data_schemas" TAGS = "tags" SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID = "software_spec_id" SOFTWARE_SPEC_UID = "software_spec_id" TYPE = "type" CUSTOM = "custom" SAMPLE_SCORING_INPUT = "sample_scoring_input" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "ai_function"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "This is ai function"), MetaProp( "SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID", SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID, str, False, "53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", path="/software_spec/id", transform=lambda x, client: x, ), MetaProp( "SOFTWARE_SPEC_UID", SOFTWARE_SPEC_UID, str, False, "53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", path="/software_spec/id", transform=lambda x, client: x, ), MetaProp( "INPUT_DATA_SCHEMAS", INPUT_DATA_SCHEMAS, list, False, [ { "id": "1", "type": "struct", "fields": [ { "name": "x", "type": "double", "nullable": False, "metadata": {}, }, { "name": "y", "type": "double", "nullable": False, "metadata": {}, }, ], } ], schema=[ { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], } ], path="/schemas/input", ), MetaProp( "OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMAS", OUTPUT_DATA_SCHEMAS, list, False, [ { "id": "1", "type": "struct", "fields": [ { "name": "multiplication", "type": "double", "nullable": False, "metadata": {}, } ], } ], schema=[ { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], } ], path="/schemas/output", ), MetaProp("TAGS", TAGS, list, False, ["tags1", "tags2"], schema=["string"]), MetaProp("TYPE", TYPE, str, False, "python"), MetaProp("CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, example_value="{}"), MetaProp( "SAMPLE_SCORING_INPUT", SAMPLE_SCORING_INPUT, dict, False, example_value={ "input_data": [ { "fields": ["name", "age", "occupation"], "values": [["john", 23, "student"], ["paul", 33, "engineer"]], } ] }, schema={ "id(optional)": "string", "fields(optional)": "array", "values(optional)": "array", }, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("AI functions") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class ScoringMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): INPUT_DATA = "input_data" INPUT_DATA_REFERENCES = "input_data_references" OUTPUT_DATA_REFERENCE = "output_data_reference" EVALUATIONS_SPEC = "evaluations_spec" ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES = "environment_variables" NAME = "name" SCORING_PARAMETERS = "scoring_parameters" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, False, "jobs test"), MetaProp( "INPUT_DATA", INPUT_DATA, list, False, path="/scoring/input_data", example_value=[ { "fields": ["name", "age", "occupation"], "values": [["john", 23, "student"]], } ], schema=[ { "name(optional)": "string", "id(optional)": "string", "fields(optional)": "array[string]", "values": "array[array[string]]", } ], ), MetaProp( "INPUT_DATA_REFERENCES", INPUT_DATA_REFERENCES, list, False, example_value="", path="/scoring/input_data_references", schema=[ { "id(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": {"href(required)": "string"}, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, "schema(optional)": { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, } ], ), MetaProp( "OUTPUT_DATA_REFERENCE", OUTPUT_DATA_REFERENCE, dict, False, example_value="", path="/scoring/output_data_reference", schema={ "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": {"href(required)": "string"}, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, "schema(optional)": { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, }, ), MetaProp( "EVALUATIONS_SPEC", EVALUATIONS_SPEC, list, False, path="/scoring/evaluations", example_value=[ { "id": "string", "input_target": "string", "metrics_names": ["auroc", "accuracy"], } ], schema=[ { "id(optional)": "string", "input_target(optional)": "string", "metrics_names(optional)": "array[string]", } ], ), MetaProp( "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES", ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES, dict, False, path="/scoring/environment_variables", example_value={ "my_env_var1": "env_var_value1", "my_env_var2": "env_var_value2", }, ), MetaProp( "SCORING_PARAMETERS", SCORING_PARAMETERS, dict, False, path="/scoring/scoring_parameters", example_value={"forecast_window": 50}, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("Scoring") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class DecisionOptimizationMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): INPUT_DATA = "input_data" INPUT_DATA_REFERENCES = "input_data_references" OUTPUT_DATA = "output_data" OUTPUT_DATA_REFERENCES = "output_data_references" SOLVE_PARAMETERS = "solve_parameters" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp( "INPUT_DATA", INPUT_DATA, list, False, path="/decision_optimization/input_data", example_value=[ { "fields": ["name", "age", "occupation"], "values": [["john", 23, "student"]], } ], schema=[ { "name(optional)": "string", "id(optional)": "string", "fields(optional)": "array[string]", "values": "array[array[string]]", } ], ), MetaProp( "INPUT_DATA_REFERENCES", INPUT_DATA_REFERENCES, list, False, path="/decision_optimization/input_data_references", example_value=[ { "fields": ["name", "age", "occupation"], "values": [["john", 23, "student"]], } ], schema=[ { "name(optional)": "string", "id(optional)": "string", "fields(optional)": "array[string]", "values": "array[array[string]]", } ], ), MetaProp( "OUTPUT_DATA", OUTPUT_DATA, list, False, example_value="", path="/decision_optimization/output_data", schema=[{"name(optional)": "string"}], ), MetaProp( "OUTPUT_DATA_REFERENCES", OUTPUT_DATA_REFERENCES, list, False, example_value="", path="/decision_optimization/output_data_references", schema={ "name(optional)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "connection(required)": { "endpoint_url(required)": "string", "access_key_id(required)": "string", "secret_access_key(required)": "string", }, "location(required)": {"bucket": "string", "path": "string"}, "schema(optional)": { "id(required)": "string", "fields(required)": [ { "name(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "nullable(optional)": "string", } ], }, }, ), MetaProp( "SOLVE_PARAMETERS", SOLVE_PARAMETERS, dict, False, example_value="", path="/decision_optimization/solve_parameters", ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Decision Optimization" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
class RuntimeMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" CUSTOM = "custom" PLATFORM = "platform" LIBRARIES_UIDS = "libraries_uids" CONFIGURATION_FILEPATH = "configuration_filepath" TAGS = "tags" SPACE_UID = "space" COMPUTE = "compute" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "runtime_spec_python_3.10"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "sample runtime"), MetaProp( "PLATFORM", PLATFORM, dict, True, '{"name":python","version":"3.10")', schema={"name(required)": "string", "version(required)": "version"}, ), MetaProp( "LIBRARIES_UIDS", LIBRARIES_UIDS, list, False, ["46dc9cf1-252f-424b-b52d-5cdd9814987f"], ), MetaProp( "CONFIGURATION_FILEPATH", CONFIGURATION_FILEPATH, str, False, "/home/env_config.yaml", ), MetaProp( "TAGS", TAGS, list, False, [ { "value": "dsx-project.<project-guid>", "description": "DSX project guid", } ], schema=[{"value(required)": "string", "description(optional)": "string"}], ), MetaProp("CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, '{"field1": "value1"}'), MetaProp( "SPACE_UID", SPACE_UID, str, False, path="/space/href", example_value="46dc9cf1-252f-424b-b52d-5cdd9814987f", transform=lambda x, client: API_VERSION + SPACES + "/" + x, ), MetaProp( "COMPUTE", COMPUTE, dict, False, example_value={"name": "name1", "nodes": 1}, schema={"name(required)": "string", "nodes(optional)": "string"}, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("Runtime Specs") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions) class LibraryMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" FILEPATH = "filepath" VERSION = "version" PLATFORM = "platform" TAGS = "tags" SPACE_UID = "space_uid" MODEL_DEFINITION = "model_definition" CUSTOM = "custom" COMMAND = "command" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "my_lib"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my lib"), MetaProp( "PLATFORM", PLATFORM, dict, True, {"name": "python", "versions": ["3.10"]}, schema={"name(required)": "string", "version(required)": "version"}, ), MetaProp("VERSION", VERSION, str, True, "1.0"), MetaProp("FILEPATH", FILEPATH, str, True, "/home/user/"), MetaProp( "TAGS", TAGS, dict, False, [ { "value": "dsx-project.<project-guid>", "description": "DSX project guid", } ], schema=[{"value(required)": "string", "description(optional)": "string"}], ), MetaProp( "SPACE_UID", SPACE_UID, str, False, "3c1ce536-20dc-426e-aac7-7284cf3befc6", path="/space/href", transform=lambda x, client: API_VERSION + SPACES + "/" + x, ), MetaProp("MODEL_DEFINITION", MODEL_DEFINITION, bool, False, False), MetaProp("COMMAND", COMMAND, str, False, "command"), MetaProp("CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, {"field1": "value1"}), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("Custom Libraries") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class SpacesMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" STORAGE = "storage" COMPUTE = "compute" STAGE = "stage" TAGS = "tags" TYPE = "type" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, required=True, example_value="my_space"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, required=False, example_value="my_description", ), MetaProp( "STORAGE", STORAGE, dict, required=False, example_value={ "type": "bmcos_object_storage", "resource_crn": "", "delegated(optional)": "false", }, ), MetaProp( "COMPUTE", COMPUTE, dict, required=False, example_value={"name": "name", "crn": "crn of the instance"}, ), MetaProp( "STAGE", STAGE, dict, required=False, example_value={"production": True, "name": "name of the stage"}, ), MetaProp("TAGS", TAGS, list, required=False, example_value=["sample_tag"]), MetaProp("TYPE", TYPE, str, required=False, example_value="cpd"), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Platform Spaces Specs" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class SpacesMemberMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): MEMBERS = "members" MEMBER = "member" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp( "MEMBERS", MEMBERS, list, False, [ {"id": "iam-id1", "role": "editor", "type": "user", "state": "active"}, {"id": "iam-id2", "role": "viewer", "type": "user", "state": "active"}, ], schema=[ { "id(required)": "string", "role(required)": "string", "type(required)": "string", "state(optional)": "string", } ], ), MetaProp( "MEMBER", MEMBER, dict, False, {"id": "iam-id1", "role": "editor", "type": "user", "state": "active"}, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Platform Spaces Member Specs" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class AssetsMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" CONNECTION_ID = "connection_id" DATA_CONTENT_NAME = "data_content_name" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "my_data_asset"), MetaProp("DATA_CONTENT_NAME", DATA_CONTENT_NAME, str, True, "/test/sample.csv"), MetaProp( "CONNECTION_ID", CONNECTION_ID, str, False, "39eaa1ee-9aa4-4651-b8fe-95d3ddae", ), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my_description"), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("Data Asset Specs") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
## update this later #Todo
[docs] class SwSpecMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): TAGS = "tags" NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS = "package_extensions" SOFTWARE_CONFIGURATION = "software_configuration" BASE_SOFTWARE_SPECIFICATION = "base_software_specification" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "Python 3.10 with pre-installed ML package"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my_description"), MetaProp( "PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS", PACKAGE_EXTENSIONS, list, False, [{"guid": "value"}] ), MetaProp( "SOFTWARE_CONFIGURATION", SOFTWARE_CONFIGURATION, dict, False, {"platform": {"name": "python", "version": "3.10"}}, schema={"platform(required)": "string"}, ), MetaProp( "BASE_SOFTWARE_SPECIFICATION", BASE_SOFTWARE_SPECIFICATION, dict, True, {"guid": "BASE_SOFTWARE_SPECIFICATION_ID"}, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Software Specifications Specs" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class ScriptMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" SOFTWARE_SPEC_UID = "software_spec_uid" SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID = "software_spec_uid" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "Python script", path="/metadata/name"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my_description", path="/metadata/description", ), MetaProp( "SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID", SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID, str, True, "53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Script Specifications" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
class ShinyMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" SOFTWARE_SPEC_UID = "software_spec_uid" SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID = "software_spec_uid" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "Shiny App", path="/metadata/name"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my_description", path="/metadata/description", ), MetaProp( "SOFTWARE_SPEC_UID", SOFTWARE_SPEC_UID, str, False, "42c36a39-fcc1-5117-8ff6-1d4523e0d6a6", hidden=True, ), MetaProp( "SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID", SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID, str, False, "42c36a39-fcc1-5117-8ff6-1d4523e0d6a6", ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Shiny Specifications" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class PkgExtnMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" TYPE = "type" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "Python 3.10 with pre-installed ML package"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my_description"), MetaProp("TYPE", TYPE, str, True, "conda_yml/custom_library"), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Package Extensions Specs" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class HwSpecMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" NODES = "nodes" SPARK = "spark" DATASTAGE = "datastage" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "Custom Hardware Specification"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my_description"), MetaProp("NODES", NODES, dict, False, {}), MetaProp("SPARK", SPARK, dict, False, {}), MetaProp("DATASTAGE", DATASTAGE, dict, False, {}), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Hardware Specifications Specs" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class ModelDefinitionMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" PLATFORM = "platform" VERSION = "version" SPACE_UID = "space_id" COMMAND = "command" CUSTOM = "custom" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "my_model_definition", path="/metadata/name"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my model_definition", path="/metadata/description", ), MetaProp( "PLATFORM", PLATFORM, dict, True, {"name": "python", "versions": ["3.10"]}, schema={"name(required)": "string", "versions(required)": ["versions"]}, ), MetaProp("VERSION", VERSION, str, True, "1.0"), MetaProp("COMMAND", COMMAND, str, False, "python3"), MetaProp("CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, {"field1": "value1"}), MetaProp( "SPACE_UID", SPACE_UID, str, False, "3c1ce536-20dc-426e-aac7-7284cf3befc6", path="/space/href", transform=lambda x, client: API_VERSION + SPACES + "/" + x, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("Model Definition") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class ConnectionMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): DATASOURCE_TYPE = "datasource_type" NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" PROPERTIES = "properties" FLAGS = "flags" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "my_space"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my_description"), MetaProp( "DATASOURCE_TYPE", DATASOURCE_TYPE, str, True, "1e3363a5-7ccf-4fff-8022-4850a8024b68", ), MetaProp( "PROPERTIES", PROPERTIES, dict, True, example_value={ "database": "db_name", "host": "host_url", "password": "password", "username": "user", }, ), MetaProp( "FLAGS", FLAGS, list, required=False, example_value="['personal_credentials']", ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("Connection") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class DeploymentMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" TAGS = "tags" DESCRIPTION = "description" CUSTOM = "custom" COMPUTE = "compute" ONLINE = "online" BATCH = "batch" DETACHED = "detached" VIRTUAL = "virtual" HARDWARE_SPEC = "hardware_spec" HARDWARE_REQUEST = "hardware_request" ASSET = "asset" PROMPT_TEMPLATE = "prompt_template" R_SHINY = "r_shiny" HYBRID_PIPELINE_HARDWARE_SPECS = "hybrid_pipeline_hardware_specs" SERVING_NAME = "serving_name" OWNER = "owner" BASE_MODEL_ID = "base_model_id" BASE_DEPLOYMENT_ID = "base_deployment_id" PROMPT_VARIABLES = "prompt_variables" FOUNDATION_MODEL = "foundation_model" # As per _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("TAGS", TAGS, list, False, ["string1", "string2"], schema=["string"]), MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, False, "my_deployment"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my_deployment"), MetaProp("CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, {}), MetaProp( "ASSET", ASSET, dict, example_value={"id": "4cedab6d-e8e4-4214-b81a-2ddb122db2ab", "rev": "1"}, required=False, ), MetaProp( "PROMPT_TEMPLATE", PROMPT_TEMPLATE, dict, example_value={"id": "4cedab6d-e8e4-4214-b81a-2ddb122db2ab"}, required=False, ), MetaProp( "HARDWARE_SPEC", HARDWARE_SPEC, dict, example_value={"id": "3342-1ce536-20dc-4444-aac7-7284cf3befc"}, required=False, ), MetaProp( "HARDWARE_REQUEST", HARDWARE_REQUEST, dict, example_value={"size": "gpu_s", "num_nodes": 1}, required=False, ), MetaProp( "HYBRID_PIPELINE_HARDWARE_SPECS", HYBRID_PIPELINE_HARDWARE_SPECS, list, example_value=[ { "node_runtime_id": "auto_ai.kb", "hardware_spec": { "id": "3342-1ce536-20dc-4444-aac7-7284cf3befc", "num_nodes": "2", }, } ], required=False, ), MetaProp("ONLINE", ONLINE, dict, example_value={}, required=False), MetaProp("BATCH", BATCH, dict, example_value={}, required=False), MetaProp("DETACHED", DETACHED, dict, example_value={}, required=False), MetaProp( "R_SHINY", R_SHINY, dict, example_value={"authentication": "anyone_with_url"}, required=False, ), MetaProp("VIRTUAL", VIRTUAL, dict, example_value={}, required=False), MetaProp( "SERVING_NAME", SERVING_NAME, str, example_value="deployment", required=False, hidden=True, path="/online/parameters/serving_name", ), MetaProp( "OWNER", OWNER, str, example_value="<owner_id>", required=False, path="/metadata/owner", ), MetaProp( "BASE_MODEL_ID", BASE_MODEL_ID, str, example_value="google/flan-ul2", required=False, ), MetaProp( "BASE_DEPLOYMENT_ID", BASE_DEPLOYMENT_ID, str, example_value="76a60161-facb-4968-a475-a6f1447c44bf", required=False, ), MetaProp( "PROMPT_VARIABLES", PROMPT_VARIABLES, dict, example_value={"key": "value"}, required=False, ), MetaProp( "FOUNDATION_MODEL", FOUNDATION_MODEL, dict, example_value={"key": "value"}, required=False, hidden=True, path="/online/parameters/foundation_model", ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("Deployments Specs") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
class RemoteTrainingSystemMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): TAGS = "tags" # SPACE_ID = "space_id" # PROJECT_ID = "project_id" NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" CUSTOM = "custom" ORGANIZATION = "organization" ALLOWED_IDENTITIES = "allowed_identities" REMOTE_ADMIN = "remote_admin" DATA_HANDLER = "data_handler" LOCAL_TRAINING = "local_training" HYPERPARAMS = "hyperparams" MODEL = "model" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("TAGS", TAGS, list, False, ["string1", "string2"], schema=["string"]), # MetaProp('SPACE_ID', SPACE_ID, str, False, '3fc54cf1-252f-424b-b52d-5cdd9814987f', schema=u'string'), # MetaProp('PROJECT_ID', PROJECT_ID, str, False, '4fc54cf1-252f-424b-b52d-5cdd9814987f', schema=u'string'), MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, False, "my-resource"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my-resource", schema="string" ), MetaProp( "CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, example_value={"custom_data": "custome_data"} ), MetaProp( "ORGANIZATION", ORGANIZATION, dict, False, example_value={"name": "name", "region": "EU"}, ), MetaProp( "ALLOWED_IDENTITIES", ALLOWED_IDENTITIES, list, False, example_value=[{"id": "43689024", "type": "user"}], ), MetaProp( "REMOTE_ADMIN", REMOTE_ADMIN, dict, False, example_value={"id": "id", "type": "user"}, ), MetaProp( "DATA_HANDLER", DATA_HANDLER, dict, False, example_value={ "info": {"npz_file": "./data_party0.npz"}, "name": "MnistTFDataHandler", "path": "mnist_keras_data_handler", }, ), MetaProp( "LOCAL_TRAINING", LOCAL_TRAINING, dict, False, example_value={ "name": "LocalTrainingHandler", "path": "", }, ), MetaProp( "HYPERPARAMS", HYPERPARAMS, dict, False, example_value={"epochs": 3, "batch_size": 128}, ), MetaProp( "MODEL", MODEL, dict, False, example_value={"info": {"gpu": {"selection": "auto"}}}, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Remote Training System" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions) class ExportMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" ALL_ASSETS = "all_assets" ASSET_TYPES = "asset_types" ASSET_IDS = "asset_ids" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "my-resource"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "my-resource", schema="string" ), MetaProp("ALL_ASSETS", ALL_ASSETS, bool, False, False), MetaProp("ASSET_TYPES", ASSET_TYPES, list, False, example_value=["wml_model"]), MetaProp( "ASSET_IDS", ASSET_IDS, list, False, example_value=[ "13a53931-a8c0-4c2f-8319-c793155e7517", "13a53931-a8c0-4c2f-8319-c793155e7518", ], ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Export Import metanames" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions) class VolumeMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" NAMESPACE = "namespace" STORAGE_CLASS = "storageClass" STORAGE_SIZE = "storageSize" EXISTING_PVC_NAME = "existing_pvc_name" # MOUNT_PATH = "Mountpath" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "my-volume"), MetaProp("NAMESPACE", NAMESPACE, str, True, "my-volume", schema="string"), MetaProp( "STORAGE_CLASS", STORAGE_CLASS, str, False, example_value="nfs-client", schema="string", ), MetaProp("STORAGE_SIZE", STORAGE_SIZE, str, False, example_value="2G"), # MetaProp('MOUNT_PATH', MOUNT_PATH,str, False, schema=u'string',example_value=""), MetaProp( "EXISTING_PVC_NAME", EXISTING_PVC_NAME, str, False, example_value="volumes-wml-test-input-2-pvc", schema="string", ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("Volume metanames") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class FactsheetsMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): ASSET_ID = "model_entry_asset_id" NAME = "model_entry_name" DESCRIPTION = "model_entry_description" MODEL_ENTRY_CATALOG_ID = "model_entry_catalog_id" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp( "ASSET_ID", ASSET_ID, str, False, "13a53931-a8c0-4c2f-8319-c793155e7517" ), MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, False, example_value="New model entry"), MetaProp( "DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, example_value="New model entry" ), MetaProp( "MODEL_ENTRY_CATALOG_ID", MODEL_ENTRY_CATALOG_ID, str, True, example_value="13a53931-a8c0-4c2f-8319-c793155e7517", ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Factsheets metanames" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
class GenChatParamsMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): FREQUENCY_PENALTY = "frequency_penalty" PRESENCE_PENALTY = "presence_penalty" TEMPERATURE = "temperature" MAX_TOKENS = "max_tokens" TIME_LIMIT = "time_limit" TOP_P = "top_p" N = "n" LOGPROBS = "logprobs" TOP_LOGPROBS = "top_logprobs" RESPONSE_FORMAT = "response_format" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("FREQUENCY_PENALTY", FREQUENCY_PENALTY, float, False, 1), MetaProp("PRESENCE_PENALTY", PRESENCE_PENALTY, float, False, 1), MetaProp("TEMPERATURE", TEMPERATURE, float, False, 0.5), MetaProp("MAX_TOKENS", MAX_TOKENS, int, False, 100), MetaProp("TIME_LIMIT", TIME_LIMIT, int, False, 100), MetaProp("TOP_P", TOP_P, float, False, 0.5), MetaProp("N", N, int, False, 1), MetaProp("LOGPROBS", LOGPROBS, bool, False, True), MetaProp("TOP_LOGPROBS", TOP_LOGPROBS, int, False, 1), MetaProp( "RESPONSE_FORMAT", RESPONSE_FORMAT, dict, False, {"type": "json_object"} ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Foundation Model Chat Parameters" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class GenTextParamsMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): DECODING_METHOD = "decoding_method" LENGTH_PENALTY = "length_penalty" TEMPERATURE = "temperature" TOP_P = "top_p" TOP_K = "top_k" RANDOM_SEED = "random_seed" REPETITION_PENALTY = "repetition_penalty" MIN_NEW_TOKENS = "min_new_tokens" MAX_NEW_TOKENS = "max_new_tokens" STOP_SEQUENCES = "stop_sequences" TIME_LIMIT = " time_limit" TRUNCATE_INPUT_TOKENS = "truncate_input_tokens" RETURN_OPTIONS = "return_options" PROMPT_VARIABLES = "prompt_variables" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("DECODING_METHOD", DECODING_METHOD, str, False, "sample"), MetaProp( "LENGTH_PENALTY", LENGTH_PENALTY, dict, False, {"decay_factor": 2.5, "start_index": 5}, ), MetaProp("TEMPERATURE", TEMPERATURE, float, False, 0.5), MetaProp("TOP_P", TOP_P, float, False, 0.2), MetaProp("TOP_K", TOP_K, int, False, 1), MetaProp("RANDOM_SEED", RANDOM_SEED, int, False, 33), MetaProp("REPETITION_PENALTY", REPETITION_PENALTY, float, False, 2), MetaProp("MIN_NEW_TOKENS", MIN_NEW_TOKENS, int, False, 50), MetaProp("MAX_NEW_TOKENS", MAX_NEW_TOKENS, int, False, 200), MetaProp("STOP_SEQUENCES", STOP_SEQUENCES, list, False, ["fail"]), MetaProp("TIME_LIMIT", TIME_LIMIT, int, False, 600000), MetaProp("TRUNCATE_INPUT_TOKENS", TRUNCATE_INPUT_TOKENS, int, False, 200), MetaProp( "PROMPT_VARIABLES", PROMPT_VARIABLES, dict, False, {"object": "brain"} ), MetaProp( "RETURN_OPTIONS", RETURN_OPTIONS, dict, False, { "input_text": True, "generated_tokens": True, "input_tokens": True, "token_logprobs": True, "token_ranks": False, "top_n_tokens": False, }, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Foundation Model Parameters" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class EmbedTextParamsMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): TRUNCATE_INPUT_TOKENS = "truncate_input_tokens" RETURN_OPTIONS = "return_options" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("TRUNCATE_INPUT_TOKENS", TRUNCATE_INPUT_TOKENS, int, False, 2), MetaProp( "RETURN_OPTIONS", RETURN_OPTIONS, dict[str, bool], False, {"input_text": True}, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Foundation Model Embeddings Parameters" ) def __init__(self): MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
class GenTextModerationsMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): INPUT = "input" OUTPUT = "output" THRESHOLD = "threshold" MASK = "mask" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("INPUT", INPUT, bool, False, False), MetaProp("OUTPUT", OUTPUT, bool, False, False), MetaProp("THRESHOLD", THRESHOLD, float, False, 0.5), MetaProp("MASK", MASK, dict, False, {"remove_entity_value": True}), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Generation Text Moderations Parameters" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class GenTextReturnOptMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): INPUT_TEXT = "input_text" GENERATED_TOKENS = "generated_tokens" INPUT_TOKENS = "input_tokens" TOKEN_LOGPROBS = "token_logprobs" TOKEN_RANKS = "token_ranks" TOP_N_TOKENS = "top_n_tokens" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("INPUT_TEXT", INPUT_TEXT, bool, True, True), MetaProp("GENERATED_TOKENS", GENERATED_TOKENS, bool, False, True), MetaProp("INPUT_TOKENS", INPUT_TOKENS, bool, True, True), MetaProp("TOKEN_LOGPROBS", TOKEN_LOGPROBS, bool, False, True), MetaProp("TOKEN_RANKS", TOKEN_RANKS, bool, False, True), MetaProp("TOP_N_TOKENS", TOP_N_TOKENS, int, False, True), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Foundation Model Parameters", note="One of these parameters is required: ['INPUT_TEXT', 'INPUT_TOKENS']", ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class ParameterSetsMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" PARAMETERS = "parameters" VALUE_SETS = "value_sets" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "sample name"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "sample description"), MetaProp( "PARAMETERS", PARAMETERS, list, True, [ { "name": "string", "description": "string", "prompt": "string", "type": "string", "subtype": "string", "value": "string", "valid_values": ["string"], } ], ), MetaProp( "VALUE_SETS", VALUE_SETS, list, False, [{"name": "string", "values": [{"name": "string", "value": "string"}]}], ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Parameter Sets metanames" ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class TextExtractionsMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): OCR = "ocr" TABLE_PROCESSING = "tables_processing" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("OCR", OCR, dict, False, {"languages_list": ["en"]}), MetaProp("TABLE_PROCESSING", TABLE_PROCESSING, dict, False, {"enabled": True}), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc( "Text Extraction Steps", note="For more details about Text Extraction Steps, see", ) def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
[docs] class AIServiceMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" REQUEST_DOCUMENTATION = "request_documentation" RESPONSE_DOCUMENTATION = "response_documentation" TAGS = "tags" SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID = "software_spec_id" CODE_TYPE = "code_type" CUSTOM = "custom" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "ai_service"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "This is AI service"), MetaProp( "SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID", SOFTWARE_SPEC_ID, str, False, "53628d69-ced9-4f43-a8cd-9954344039a8", path="/software_spec/id", transform=lambda x, client: x, ), MetaProp( "REQUEST_DOCUMENTATION", REQUEST_DOCUMENTATION, dict, False, { "application/json": { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "query": {"type": "string"}, "parameters": { "properties": { "max_new_tokens": {"type": "integer"}, "top_p": {"type": "number"}, }, "required": ["max_new_tokens", "top_p"], }, }, "required": ["query"], } }, path="/documentation/request", ), MetaProp( "RESPONSE_DOCUMENTATION", RESPONSE_DOCUMENTATION, dict, False, { "application/json": { "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "query": {"type": "string"}, "result": {"type": "string"}, }, "required": ["query", "result"], } }, path="/documentation/response", ), MetaProp("TAGS", TAGS, list, False, ["tags1", "tags2"], schema=["string"]), MetaProp("CODE_TYPE", CODE_TYPE, str, False, "python"), MetaProp("CUSTOM", CUSTOM, dict, False, example_value={"key1": "value1"}), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("AI services") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)
class RAGOptimizerConfigurationMetaNames(MetaNamesBase): NAME = "name" DESCRIPTION = "description" INPUT_DATA_REFERENCES = "input_data_references" TEST_DATA_REFERENCES = "test_data_references" RESULTS_REFERENCE = "results_reference" VECTOR_STORE_REFERENCES = "vector_store_references" HARDWARE_SPEC = "hardware_spec" _meta_props_definitions = [ MetaProp("NAME", NAME, str, True, "AutoAI RAG Optimizer"), MetaProp("DESCRIPTION", DESCRIPTION, str, False, "Sample description"), MetaProp( "INPUT_DATA_REFERENCES", INPUT_DATA_REFERENCES, list, True, [ { "id": "training_input_data", "name": "training_input_data", "type": "data_asset", "connection": {}, "location": { "href": f"/v2/assets/cbc89dee-a087-420c-9b62-a19931fe3950?project_id=h67df788-73f2-46d0-a787-7453085782ht" }, } ], ), MetaProp( "TEST_DATA_REFERENCES", TEST_DATA_REFERENCES, list, True, [ { "id": "test_input_data", "name": "test_input_data", "type": "data_asset", "connection": {}, "location": { "href": f"/v2/assets/cbc89dee-a087-420c-9b62-a19931fe3950?project_id=h67df788-73f2-46d0-a787-7453085782ht" }, } ], ), MetaProp( "RESULTS_REFERENCE", RESULTS_REFERENCE, dict, True, {"location": {"path": "."}, "type": "container"}, ), MetaProp( "VECTOR_STORE_REFERENCES", VECTOR_STORE_REFERENCES, list, False, [ { "id": "test_vector_store", "name": "some_new_milvus_conn", "type": "connection_asset", "connection": {"id": "hg5d6a92-1331-h642-b314-14b40bfb0hg4"}, "location": {}, } ], ), MetaProp( "HARDWARE_SPEC", HARDWARE_SPEC, dict, True, {"id": "f4c49h5b-b8e4-444c-9j63-8a7h73020h674", "name": "L"}, ), ] __doc__ = MetaNamesBase(_meta_props_definitions)._generate_doc("rag_optimizer") def __init__(self) -> None: MetaNamesBase.__init__(self, self._meta_props_definitions)