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In the previous lab, we defined environment variables for the region and zone, and created a VPC and subnet. Start to check that these required variables are valid and available,

$ echo $MY_ZONE

echo $MY_VPC_ID

To list available VPCs and Subnets,

ibmcloud is vpcs
ibmcloud is subnets

To set an environment variable MY_VPC_ID using MY_VPC_NAME,

MY_VPC_ID=$(ibmcloud is vpcs --output json | jq -r '.[] | select( .name=='\"$MY_VPC_NAME\"') | .id ')
echo $MY_VPC_ID

To set an environment variable MY_VPC_SUBNET_ID using MY_VPC_SUBNET_NAME,

MY_VPC_SUBNET_ID=$(ibmcloud is subnets --output json | jq -r '.[] | select( .name=='\"$MY_VPC_SUBNET_NAME\"') | .id ')

To check the available zones,

ibmcloud ks zone ls --provider vpc-gen2

Check the available Kubernetes service versions,

ibmcloud ks versions

Set an environment variable for the cluster name,

USERNAME=<your username>


Set an environment variable for the Kubernetes version using the default version for Kubernetes,

export KS_VERSION=1.20.10

You need to have set environment variables for KS_VERSION and MY_ZONE, MY_VPC_ID, MY_VPC_SUBNET_ID and MY_CLUSTER_NAME. The variables MY_ZONE, MY_VPC_ID and MY_VPC_SUBNET_ID were created in Lab 4 Create a VPC.


Go to Create an IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service instance for VPC.