Source code for ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extractions.text_extractions

#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2024-2025.
#  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal

from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_client_error import (
from ibm_watsonx_ai.wml_resource import WMLResource
from ibm_watsonx_ai._wrappers import requests
from ibm_watsonx_ai.helpers import DataConnection

    from ibm_watsonx_ai import APIClient, Credentials
    import pandas

[docs] class TextExtractions(WMLResource): """Instantiate the Text Extraction service. :param credentials: credentials to the Watson Machine Learning instance :type credentials: Credentials, optional :param project_id: ID of the Watson Studio project, defaults to None :type project_id: str, optional :param space_id: ID of the Watson Studio space, defaults to None :type space_id: str, optional :param api_client: initialized APIClient object with a set project ID or space ID. If passed, ``credentials`` and ``project_id``/``space_id`` are not required, defaults to None :type api_client: APIClient, optional :raises InvalidMultipleArguments: raised if `space_id` and `project_id` or `credentials` and `api_client` are provided simultaneously :raises WMLClientError: raised if the CPD version is less than 5.0 .. code-block:: python from ibm_watsonx_ai import Credentials from ibm_watsonx_ai.foundation_models.extractions import TextExtractions extraction = TextExtractions( credentials=Credentials( api_key = IAM_API_KEY, url = ""), project_id="*****" ) """ def __init__( self, credentials: Credentials | None = None, project_id: str | None = None, space_id: str | None = None, api_client: APIClient | None = None, ) -> None: if credentials is not None: from ibm_watsonx_ai import APIClient self._client = APIClient(credentials) elif api_client is not None: self._client = api_client else: raise InvalidMultipleArguments( params_names_list=["credentials", "api_client"], reason="None of the arguments were provided.", ) if space_id is not None: self._client.set.default_space(space_id) elif project_id is not None: self._client.set.default_project(project_id) elif not api_client: raise InvalidMultipleArguments( params_names_list=["space_id", "project_id"], reason="None of the arguments were provided.", ) if not self._client.CLOUD_PLATFORM_SPACES and self._client.CPD_version < 5.0: raise WMLClientError(error_msg="Operation is unsupported for this release.") WMLResource.__init__(self, __name__, self._client)
[docs] def run_job( self, document_reference: DataConnection, results_reference: DataConnection, steps: dict | None = None, results_format: Literal["json", "markdown"] = "json", ) -> dict: """Start a request to extract text and metadata from a document. :param document_reference: reference to the document in the bucket from which text will be extracted :type document_reference: DataConnection :param results_reference: reference to the location in the bucket where results will saved :type results_reference: DataConnection :param steps: steps for the text extraction pipeline, defaults to None :type steps: dict | None, optional :param results_format: results format for the text extraction, defaults to "json" :type results_format: Literal["json", "markdown"], optional :return: raw response from the server with the text extraction job details :rtype: dict **Example:** .. code-block:: python from ibm_watsonx_ai.metanames import TextExtractionsMetaNames from ibm_watsonx_ai.helpers import DataConnection, S3Location document_reference = DataConnection( connection_asset_id="<connection_id>", location=S3Location(bucket="<bucket_name>", path="path/to/file"), ) results_reference = DataConnection( connection_asset_id="<connection_id>", location=S3Location(bucket="<bucket_name>", path="path/to/file"), ) response = extraction.run_job( document_reference=document_reference, results_reference=results_reference, steps={ TextExtractionsMetaNames.OCR: {"languages_list": ["en", "fr"]}, TextExtractionsMetaNames.TABLE_PROCESSING: {"enabled": True}, }, results_format="markdown" ) """ if not isinstance(document_reference, DataConnection): raise UnexpectedType( el_name="document_reference", expected_type=DataConnection, actual_type=type(document_reference), ) elif not isinstance(results_reference, DataConnection): raise UnexpectedType( el_name="results_reference", expected_type=DataConnection, actual_type=type(results_reference), ) TextExtractions._validate_type(steps, "steps", dict, False) payload: dict = {} if self._client.default_project_id is not None: payload.update({"project_id": self._client.default_project_id}) elif self._client.default_space_id is not None: payload.update({"space_id": self._client.default_space_id}) payload.update({"document_reference": document_reference._to_dict()}) payload.update({"results_reference": results_reference._to_dict()}) if steps is not None: payload.update({"steps": steps}) if results_format == "json": payload.update({"assembly_json": {}}) elif results_format == "markdown": payload.update({"assembly_md": {}}) else: raise ValueError( "Incorrect results format provided. Only 'json' and 'markdown' are supported." ) response = url=self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_text_extraction_href(), json=payload, params=self._client._params(skip_for_create=True, skip_userfs=True), headers=self._client._get_headers(), ) return self._handle_response(201, "run_job", response)
[docs] def list_jobs(self, limit: int | None = None) -> pandas.DataFrame: """List text extraction jobs. If limit is None, all jobs will be listed. :param limit: limit number of fetched records, defaults to None :type limit: int | None, optional :return: job information of a pandas DataFrame with text extraction :rtype: pandas.DataFrame **Example:** .. code-block:: python extraction.list_jobs() """ import pandas columns = ["", "metadata.created_at", "entity.results.status"] details = self.get_job_details(limit=limit) resources = details["resources"] data_normalize = pandas.json_normalize(resources) extraction_data = data_normalize.reindex(columns=columns) df_details: pandas.DataFrame = pandas.DataFrame( extraction_data, columns=columns ) df_details.rename( columns={ "": "EXTRACTION_ID", "metadata.created_at": "CREATED", "entity.results.status": "STATUS", }, inplace=True, ) return df_details
[docs] def get_job_details( self, extraction_id: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None ) -> dict: """Return text extraction job details. If `extraction_id` is None, returns the details of all text extraction jobs. :param extraction_id: ID of the text extraction job, defaults to None :type extraction_id: str | None, optional :param limit: limit number of fetched records, defaults to None :type limit: int | None, optional :return: details of the text extraction job :rtype: dict **Example:** .. code-block:: python extraction.get_job_details(extraction_id="<extraction_id>") """ TextExtractions._validate_type(extraction_id, "extraction_id", str, False) if extraction_id is not None: response = requests.get( url=self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_text_extraction_href() + f"/{extraction_id}", params=self._client._params(skip_userfs=True), headers=self._client._get_headers(), ) else: _params: dict | None = None if limit is not None: if limit < 1 or limit > 200: raise InvalidValue( value_name="limit", reason=f"The given value {limit} is not in the range <1, 200>", ) else: _params = {"limit": limit} # TODO: pagination is not yet implemented response = requests.get( url=self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_text_extraction_href(), params=(self._client._params(skip_userfs=True) | (_params or {})), headers=self._client._get_headers(), ) return self._handle_response(200, "get_job_details", response)
[docs] def delete_job(self, extraction_id: str) -> Literal["SUCCESS"]: """Delete a text extraction job. :return: return "SUCCESS" if the deletion succeeds :rtype: str **Example:** .. code-block:: python extraction.delete_job(extraction_id="<extraction_id>") """ TextExtractions._validate_type(extraction_id, "extraction_id", str, True) params = self._client._params(skip_userfs=True) params.update({"hard_delete": True}) response = requests.delete( url=self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_text_extraction_href() + f"/{extraction_id}", params=params, headers=self._client._get_headers(), ) return self._handle_response(204, "delete_job", response) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def cancel_job(self, extraction_id: str) -> Literal["SUCCESS"]: """Cancel a text extraction job. :return: return "SUCCESS" if the cancellation succeeds :rtype: str **Example:** .. code-block:: python extraction.cancel_job(extraction_id="<extraction_id>") """ TextExtractions._validate_type(extraction_id, "extraction_id", str, True) response = requests.delete( url=self._client.service_instance._href_definitions.get_text_extraction_href() + f"/{extraction_id}", params=self._client._params(skip_userfs=True), headers=self._client._get_headers(), ) return self._handle_response(204, "cancel_job", response) # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def get_results_reference(self, extraction_id: str) -> DataConnection: """Get a `DataConnection` instance that is a reference to the results stored on COS. :param extraction_id: ID of text extraction job :type extraction_id: str :return: location of the Data Connection to text extraction job results :rtype: DataConnection **Example:** .. code-block:: python results_reference = extraction.get_results_reference(extraction_id="<extraction_id>") """ TextExtractions._validate_type(extraction_id, "extraction_id", str, True) job_details = self.get_job_details(extraction_id=extraction_id) results_reference = job_details.get("entity", {}).get("results_reference") data_conn = DataConnection._from_dict(results_reference) data_conn.set_client(self._client) return data_conn
[docs] @staticmethod def get_id(extraction_details: dict) -> str: """Get the unique ID of a stored extraction request. :param extraction_details: metadata of the stored extraction :type extraction_details: dict :return: unique ID of the stored extraction request :rtype: str **Example:** .. code-block:: python extraction_details = extraction.get_job_details(extraction_id) extraction_id = extraction.get_id(extraction_details) """ TextExtractions._validate_type( extraction_details, "extraction_details", dict, True ) return WMLResource._get_required_element_from_dict( extraction_details, "extraction_details", ["metadata", "id"] )