OLM blocks upgrades to 11.6.x due to missing v1beta1 version in eventstreams CRDs


When upgrading Event Streams from 11.5.x to any 11.6.x version, the upgrade fails with an error similar to the following example:

  - lastTransitionTime: '2025-01-26T02:42:13Z'
    lastUpdateTime: '2025-01-26T02:42:13Z'
    message: 'risk of data loss updating "eventstreams.eventstreams.ibm.com": new CRD removes version v1beta1 that is listed as a stored version on the existing CRD'
    reason: InstallComponentFailed
    status: 'False'
    type: Installed
message: 'risk of data loss updating "eventstreams.eventstreams.ibm.com": new CRD removes version v1beta1 that is listed as a stored version on the existing CRD'
phase: Failed


When moving to a new API version within a Custom Resource Definition (CRD), Kubernetes clusters migrate all instances of a CRD to the new stored version and then update the CRD to remove the reference to the old version from the status.storedVersions list. This conversion occurs as a background activity and in some circumstances, it might not be complete before the next CRD change is applied.

When a version listed as status.storedVersion is removed by a future CRD version, Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) blocks the upgrade.

If the CRDs on the cluster contain references to earlier API version, such as v1beta1, in the status.storedVersions section, upgrades to Event Streams 11.6.x are blocked by OLM, as it removes old apiVersions from the eventstreams.eventstreams.ibm.com CRD.

Resolving the problem

  1. Run the following commands to get a list of CRDs that use the v1beta1 version:

     oc get crd -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.name}{" "}{.status.storedVersions}{"\n"}{end}' | grep eventstreams | grep -E 'v1beta1'
  2. Update the apiVersion of each resource that uses an earlier version to v1beta2, retaining the existing content.

  3. After all the resources are migrated to v1beta2, run the following command to update the CRD storedVersions to v1beta2:

     oc patch $(oc get crd -o name | grep eventstreams | grep -v georeplicators) --subresource='status' --type='merge' -p '{"status":{"storedVersions":["v1beta2"]}}'

    Your system is now ready to upgrade to Event Streams 11.6.x.

  4. Update the InstallPlan for OLM to retry the upgrade. For example, if you are planning to upgrade to Event Streams 11.6.0, run the following command:

     oc patch installplan $(oc get installplan | grep ibm-eventstreams.v3.6.0 | awk '{print $1;}') --subresource='status' --type='merge' -p '{"status":{"phase":"Installing"}}'