Unable to manage geo-replicators on the Event Streams destination cluster


You are unable to pause, resume, or stop geo-replication on the destination Event Streams cluster. Geo-replication remains in running state, and no error messages are displayed in the Event Streams UI.


Event Streams is unable to manage geo-replication from the destination Event Streams cluster.

Resolving the problem

You can manage geo-replication on the origin cluster by using the Event Streams UI:

  1. Log in to your origin Event Streams cluster as an administrator.
  2. Click Topics in the primary navigation and then click Geo-replication.
  3. Click the Destination location tab.
  4. Depending on the action you want to achieve, go to the More options icon More options menu and click one of the following options:
    • Pause running replicators: To pause geo-replication and suspend copying of data from the origin cluster.
    • Resume paused replicators: To resume geo-replication from the origin cluster.
    • Restart failed replicators: To restart geo-replication from the origin cluster for geo-replicators that experienced problems.
    • Stop replication: To stop geo-replication from the origin cluster.