What’s new

Find out what is new in Event Streams version 10.5.

Kafka version upgraded to 2.8.1

Event Streams version 10.5.0 includes Kafka release 2.8.1, and supports the use of all Kafka interfaces.

Support for IBM Power Systems

Adding to the existing support for Linux® 64-bit (x86_64) systems and Linux on IBM® Z systems (s390x), Event Streams 10.5.0 introduces support for Linux on IBM Power Systems (ppc64le).

Event Streams uses the Apicurio Registry for schemas

The previous schema registry in Event Streams was deprecated in version 10.1.0 and is not an available option for schemas in Event Streams version 10.5.0 and later. Use the open-source Apicurio Registry included in Event Streams version 10.1.0 and later to manage schemas.

If you are upgrading to Event Streams version 10.5.0 from an earlier version and you are using the deprecated registry option previously used for schemas, you can migrate to the Apicurio Registry.

Event Streams schema registry serdes library deprecated

The Event Streams schema registry serdes library provided in earlier versions is deprecated in version 10.5.0. Use the open-source Apicurio Registry serdes library to serialize and deserialize messages based on schemas stored in the Apicurio Registry.