devices – Devices management.


Configures, modifies and unconfigures devices of a logical partition (LPAR).

This module allows to configure a specified device or all devices in defined state. It can change attributes of a device in ‘Defined/Available’ state. At last it can unconfigure or stop a device in ‘Available’ state.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • AIX

  • Python >= 2.7

  • Privileged user with authorizations: aix.device.manage.change,aix.device.manage.remove,aix.device.config


attributes (optional, dict, None)

When state=available, specifies the device attribute-value pairs used for changing specific attribute values.

device (optional, str, all)

Specifies the device logical name in the Customized Devices object class.

all specifies to configure all devices when state=available.

force (optional, bool, False)

Forces the change/unconfigure operation to take place on a locked device.

recursive (optional, bool, False)

Specifies to unconfigure the device and its children recursively.

state (optional, str, available)

Specifies the desired state of the device.

available (alias present) configures device when its state is ‘defined’, otherwise it changes the device attributes.

defined unconfigures/stops the device when its state is ‘available’, otherwise it changes the device attributes.

removed (alias absent) removes the device definition of unconfigured device in Customized Devices object class

chtype (optional, str, both)

Specifies the change type that is when the change should take place.

reboot changes the device at system reboot.

current changes the current state of the device temporarily. Not persistent after a reboot. The device will not be reset. (Not all devices supports this feature)

both changes both the current state of the device and the device database. Persistent after a reboot. The device will not be reset. (Not all devices support this feature)

reset changes both the current state of the device and the device database. Persistent after a reboot. The device will be reset.

parent_device (optional, str, None)

While modifying device, specifies the parent device of the device to be updated. For unconfigure/stop operation, specifies the parent device whose children need to be unconfigured recursively.

rmtype (optional, str, unconfigure)

Specifies whether to unconfigure/stop the device.

unconfigure changes are applied to the device when the system is rebooted.

stop changes the current state of the device temporarily.



- name: Configure a device
    device: proc0
    state: available

- name: Unconfigure a device
    device: proc0
    state: defined

- name: Remove (delete) fcs0 device and children
    device: fcs0
    state: removed
    recursive: 'true'

- name: Put fcs0 device and children in defined state
    device: fcs0
    state: defined
    recursive: 'true'

- name: Put the children of device fcs0 in defined state
    parent_device: fcs0
    state: defined

- name: Remove (delete) ent0 device
    device: ent0
    state: absent
    recursive: 'true'

- name: Change en0 MTU speed and disable arp
    device: en0
    state: available
      mtu: 900
      arp: 'off'

- name: Configure the IP address, netmask and bring en0 up
    device: en0
    state: available
      state: 'up'

- name: Modify Crypt0 device max_requests (Crypt0 does not support changes while available)
    device: Crypt0
    chtype: 'reset'

- name: Discover new devices (configure all devices)
    device: "all"
    state: available

Return Values

msg (always, str, )

The execution message.

rc (If the command failed., int, )

The return code.

stdout (If the command failed., str, )

The standard output.

stderr (If the command failed., str, )

The standard error.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • AIX Development Team (@pbfinley1911)