mpio – Returns information about MultiPath I/O capable devices.


Returns information about MultiPath I/O capable devices.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • AIX >= 7.1 TL3

  • Python >= 2.7


device (optional, str, None)

Specifies the logical device name of the target device whose path information is to be returned.

parent (optional, str, None)

Indicates the logical device name of the parent device whose paths are to be returned.


- name: Gather paths to all MultiPath I/O capable devices
- name: Print the paths
    var: ansible_facts.mpio.paths

Return Values

ansible_facts (always, complex, )

Facts to add to ansible_facts about paths to MultiPath I/O capable devices.

mpio (, dict, )

Contains information about drivers and paths.

drivers (always, dict, {‘drivers’: {‘IBMFlash’: {‘option’: ‘NO_OVERRIDE’, ‘options’: [‘NO_OVERRIDE’, ‘AIX_AAPCM’, ‘AIX_non_MPIO’]}}})

Maps driver name to driver supported and selected options.

option (always, str, )

Option currently selected.

options (always, list, )

Supported driver options.

paths (always, dict, {‘paths’: {‘hdisk0’: {‘fscsi1’: {‘500507680b215660,0’: {‘path_id’: 0, ‘path_status’: ‘Available’, ‘status’: ‘Enabled’}, ‘500507680b215661,0’: {‘path_id’: 1, ‘path_status’: ‘Available’, ‘status’: ‘Enabled’}}}}})

Maps device name to parent devices and connections.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • AIX Development Team (@pbfinley1911)