lku – Performs live kernel update


The module uses geninstall -k command for live kernel update.

Currently in the module, support for LKU is supported only through PowerVC setup.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • AIX >= 7.2

  • Python >= 3.6

  • Privilage user with authrization:aix.system.install


PVC_name (True, str, None)

Hostname of the PowerVC managing target node.

PVC_password (True, str, None)

Password of the PowerVC

PVC_user (True, str, None)

Username for the PowerVC

directory (optional, str, None)

Path of the directory where fixes and filesets are present.

filesets_fixes (optional, str, None)

Space separated names of filesets and interim fixes to be installed from provided directory.

If directory is provided then this attribute is required.

If you want to install all the updates and interim fixes then give input as all.

If you want to install only updates and not interim fixes then give input as update_all.


- name: Perform LKU on target node using PowerVC
    PVC_name: powervchostname
    PVC_password: passw0rd123
    PVC_user: powervcuser
    directory: path/to/directory
    filesets_fixes: space separated names of filesets and interim fixes OR all OR update_all

Return Values

msg (always, str, )

The execution message.

cmd (always, str, )

The command executed.

rc (When the command is executed., int, )

The command return code.

stdout’ (If the command failed., str, )

The standard output.

stderr’ (If the command failed., str, )

The standard error.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • AIX Development Team (@nitismis)