nim_resource – show/define/delete NIM resource object(s).


This module facilitates the display, creation or deletion of NIM resource objects.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • AIX >= 7.1 TL3

  • Python >= 2.7

  • User with root authority to run the nim command.

  • NIM master software bos.sysmgt.nim.master.

  • Privileged user with authorization: aix.system.install,aix.system.nim.config.server,aix.system.nim.stat


action (True, str, None)

Specifies the action to be performed.

show shows all NIM resource objects. Can be used with options name or object_type to filter objects.

create creates a NIM resource object. It requires options name, object_type and attributes.

delete deletes a NIM resource object. It requires option name.

name (False, str, None)

Specifies the NIM object name.

object_type (False, str, None)

NIM resource object’s type.

Required for action action=create.

Optional for action=show.

Some of the choices are provided as examples. For details of all possible NIM resources objects, refer to the IBM documentation at

The following are examples of the most common choices “pp_source, spot, bosinst_data, mksysb, fb_script and res_group”

attributes (False, dict, None)

Specifies the attribute-value pairs required for action=create or action=show

showres (False, dict, None)

show the contents of a resource.

supports spot and lpp_source.

fetch_contents (optional, bool, False)

determines if the contents of a valid resource type will be fetched.

max_retries (optional, int, 10)

max number of attempts to fetch the contents a resource.

retry_wait_time (optional, int, 1)

wait time in seconds in between retrying attempts to fetch the contents of a resorce.



- name: Show all NIM resource objects.
    action: show

- name: Create a copy of the images from source to location and
        define a NIM lpp_source resource from that location.
    action: create
    name: lpp_730
    object_type: lpp_resource
      source: /software/AIX7300
      location: /nim1/copy_AIX7300_resource

- name: Define a NIM lpp_source resource object from a directory that
        contains the images.
    action: create
    name: lpp_730
    object_type: lpp_resource
      location: /nim1/copy_AIX7300_resource

- name: Define a NIM spot (Shared Product Object Tree) resource
        using a defined lpp_source.
    action: create
    name: spot_730
    object_type: spot
      source: lpp_730
      location: /nim1/spot_730_resource

- name: Create a NIM resource group object.
    action: create
    name: ResGrp730
    object_type: res_group
      lpp_source: lpp_730
      spot: spot_730
      bosinst_data: bosinst_data730
      comments: "730 Resources"

- name: Show all the defined NIM resource objects.
    action: show

- name: Show all the defined NIM resource objects of type spot.
    action: show
    object_type: spot

- name: Show a specific NIM resource object.
    action: show
    name: lpp_730

- name: Delete a NIM resource object.
    action: delete
    name: spot_730

Return Values

msg (always, str, Resource spot_730 was removed.)

The execution message.

rc (If the command failed., int, )

The return code.

stdout (always, str, )

The standard output.

stderr (always, str, )

The standard error.

cmd (always, str, )

Command executed.

nim_resource_found (If I(action=show)., bool, )

Return if a queried object resource exist.

nim_resources (If I(action=show)., dict, {‘nim_resources’: {‘lpp_source_test’: {‘Rstate’: ‘ready for use’, ‘alloc_count’: ‘0’, ‘arch’: ‘power’, ‘class’: ‘resources’, ‘location’: ‘/nim1/lpp_source_test4’, ‘prev_state’: ‘unavailable for use’, ‘server’: ‘master’, ‘simages’: ‘yes’, ‘type’: ‘lpp_source’}}})

Dictionary output with the NIM resource object information.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • AIX Development Team (@pvtorres1703)