password_rules_policies – Manages password rules and policies


Manages password rules and policies by modifying stanza attributes in AIX config file - /etc/security/user using the chsec command.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • AIX

  • Python >= 2.7

  • Privileged user with authorizations


state (optional, str, present)

If set to present all given attrs values will be set.

If set to absent all attrs provided will be un-set, regardless of value provided. - NB, this does not remove the entire stanza, only the provided attrs will be removed. - To remove a single attribute from the stanza set to present and set key to an empty value (key=).

All rules/allowed file-stanza combos/allowed files for the AIX chsec command apply here.

stanza (True, str, None)

Name of stanza to modify attributes of

account_locked (False, bool, None)

admin (False, bool, None)

admgroups (False, list, None)

auditclasses (False, list, None)

auth1 (False, list, None)

auth2 (False, list, None)

core_compress (False, str, None)

core_path (False, str, None)

core_pathname (False, str, None)

core_naming (False, str, None)

daemon (False, bool, None)

dce_export (False, bool, None)

dictionlist (False, list, None)

minloweralpha (False, str, None)

minupperalpha (False, str, None)

mindigit (False, str, None)

minspecialchar (False, str, None)

efs_adminks_access (False, str, None)

efs_allowksmodechangebyuser (False, str, None)

efs_file_algo (False, str, None)

efs_initialks_mode (False, str, None)

efs_keystore_access (False, str, None)

Defines the user keystore location.

This attribute is valid only if the system is EFS-enabled.

efs_keystore_algo (False, str, None)

expires (False, str, None)

histexpire (False, str, None)

histsize (False, str, None)

login (False, bool, None)

logintimes (False, str, None)

loginretries (False, str, None)

maxage (False, str, None)

maxexpired (False, str, None)

maxrepeats (False, str, None)

minage (False, str, None)

minalpha (False, str, None)

mindiff (False, str, None)

minlen (False, str, None)

minother (False, str, None)

projects (False, list, None)

pwdchecks (False, list, None)

pwdwarntime (False, str, None)

registry (False, str, None)

rlogin (False, bool, None)

su (False, bool, None)

sugroups (False, str, None)

SYSTEM (False, str, None)

tpath (False, str, None)

ttys (False, str, None)

umask (False, str, None)



  • If the registry is set to NIS or DCE, it can not be removed.

  • For removing an attribute, you need to provide a valid value along with state=absent

  • name


  • name




Return Values

changed (always, bool, False)

Was this value changed

msg (always, str, Invalid parameter: install_list cannot be empty)

The execution message.

file (always, str, )

The file being modified

stanza (always, str, )

The stanza in file being modified

attrs (always, dict, )

For each attribute provided in the ‘attrs’ section, an entry (below) is returned

cmd (Only if attr requires change, str, )

Command that is run to update attr

stdout (only when cmd is run, str, )

The standard output of the command.

stderr (only when cmd is run, str, )

The standard error of the command.

rc (only when cmd is run, int, )

The command return code.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • Shreyansh Chamola (@schamola)