hdcrypt_facts – Displays encryption/decryption related information
This module is used for getting encryption and decryption related information for logical volumes, physical volumes, volume groups.
This module is a wrapper around hdcryptmgr command.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
AIX >= 72X
Python >= 2.7
- action (True, str, None)
Specifies which information needs to be displayed.
displays logical volume encryption status;vg
displays volume group encryption capability;pv
displays physical volume encryption capability;meta
displays encryption metadata related to devices;conv
displays status of all the active and stopped conversions;- device (False, str, )
Specifies the devices for which you want the information to be displayed.
Required for action=lv, action=pv and action=meta.
You can refer to the IBM documentation for additional information on the commands used at https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/aix/7.2?topic=h-hdcryptmgr-command.
- name: Display LV encryption status
action: lv
device: "{{lv_val}}"
- name: Display LV encryption status of all the LVs in a VG
action: lv
device: "{{vg_val}}"
- name: Display VG encryption status of all the VGs
action: vg
- name: Display VG encryption status of a VG
action: pv
device: "{{vg_val}}"
- name: Display PV encryption status of all the PVs
action: pv
- name: Display meta facts of a VG
action: meta
device: "{{vg_val}}"
- name: Display all active and stopped conversions
action: conv
Return Values
- msg (always, str, Logical Volume ‘testlv’ encrypted.)
The execution message.
- cmd (always, str, )
The command executed.
- rc (always, int, )
The command return code.
- stdout (always, str, )
The standard output of the command.
- stderr (always, str, )
The standard error of the command.
- changed (always, bool, )
Shows if any change was made.
- lv_facts (For I(action=lv), list, )
Contains logical volume encryption status information.
- vg_facts (For I(action=vg), list, )
Contains volume group encryption capability information.
- pv_facts (For I(action=pv), list, )
Contains physical volume encryption capability information.
- meta_facts (For I(action=meta), list, )
Contains encryption metadata related information.
- conv_facts (For I(action=conv), list, )
Contains information about all the active and stopped conversions.
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This module is maintained by community.
Shreyansh Chamola (@schamola)