install_all_updates – Updates installed software to the latest level on media and verifies the current recommended maintenance or technology level.
install_all_updates examines currently installed software and attempts to update it to the latest level that is available on the media. install_all_updates will not install any filesets that are present on the media, but not installed on the system except if the new filesets are installed as requisites of other filesets or the /var/adm/ras/ filesets ALL_DEVICES_KERNELS to yes.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
AIX >= 7.1 TL3
Python >= 3.6
Privileged user with authorization: aix.system.install
- device (True, str, None)
Specifies the device or directory that contains the installation images.
- utilities_only (optional, bool, False)
Update install utilities only (bos.rte.install update).
- commit (optional, bool, False)
Commits all newly installed updates.
- update_rpm (optional, bool, False)
Update rpm images (if possible).
- dependencies (optional, bool, True)
Automatically install requisites.
- skip_verify (optional, bool, False)
Skip recommended maintenance or technology level verification.
- extend_fs (optional, bool, True)
Attempts to resize any file systems where there is insufficient space to do the installation.
- checksum (optional, bool, False)
Verify that all installed files in the fileset have the correct checksum value after the installation.
This operation may require more time to complete the installation.
- suppress_multivolume (optional, bool, False)
Suppress multi-volume processing of cdrom media.
- agree_licenses (optional, bool, False)
Agrees to all software license agreements which are required for software installation.
- check_mode (optional, bool, False)
Performs a preview of an action by running all preinstallation checks for the specified action. No software changes are made.
You can refer to the IBM documentation for additional information on the installp command at
- name: Install all installp updates on device /dev/cd0 and to verify the current recommended maintenance or technology level
device: /dev/cd0
- name: Update any rpm images on your system, with newer technology levels from the /images directory
device: /images
update_rpm: true
- name: install the latest level of install utilities on device /dev/cd0 (bos.rte.install update)
device: /dev/cd0
utilities_only: true
Return Values
- msg (always, str, install_all_updates ‘apply’ failed.)
The execution message.
- cmd (always, str, )
The command executed.
- rc (always, int, )
The command return code.
- stdout (always, str, install_all_updates: Initializing system parameters.n install_all_updates: Log file is /var/adm/ras/install_all_updates.logn install_all_updates: Checking for updated install utilities on media.n install_all_updates: Updating install utilities to latest level on media.n ***************************************************************************n installp PREVIEW: installation will not actually occur.n ***************************************************************************n n +—————————————————————————–+n Pre-installation Verification…n +—————————————————————————–+n Verifying selections…donen Verifying requisites…donen Results…n n SUCCESSESn ———n Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verificationn and will be installed.n n Mandatory Fileset Updatesn ————————-n (being installed automatically due to their importance)n bos.rte.install # LPP Install Commandsn n << End of Success Section >>n n +—————————————————————————–+n BUILDDATE Verification …n +—————————————————————————–+n Verifying build dates…donen FILESET STATISTICS n ——————n 1 Selected to be installed, of which:n 1 Passed pre-installation verificationn —-n 1 Total to be installedn n RESOURCESn ———n Estimated system resource requirements for filesets being installed:n (All sizes are in 512-byte blocks)n Filesystem Needed Space Free Spacen / 72 419656n /usr 24024 5421432n /tmp 560 8378576n —– ——– ——n TOTAL: 24656 14219664n n NOTE: “Needed Space” values are calculated from data available priorn to installation. These are the estimated resources required for then entire operation. Further resource checks will be made duringn installation to verify that these initial estimates are sufficient.n n **************************************************************************n End of installp PREVIEW. No apply operation has actually occurred.n **************************************************************************n install_all_updates: Processing media.n install_all_updates: Generating list of updatable installp filesets.n install_all_updates: The following filesets have been selected as updatesn to currently installed software:n n bos.64bit …n security.acf n << End of Fileset List >>n n install_all_updates: Performing installp update.n ***************************************************************************n installp PREVIEW: installation will not actually occur.n ***************************************************************************n n +—————————————————————————–+n Pre-installation Verification…n +—————————————————————————–+n Verifying selections…donen Verifying requisites…donen Results…n n SUCCESSESn ———n Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verificationn and will be installed.n n Mandatory Fileset Updatesn ————————-n (being installed automatically due to their importance)n bos.rte.install # LPP Install Commandsn n << End of Success Section >>n n +—————————————————————————–+n BUILDDATE Verification …n +—————————————————————————–+n Verifying build dates…donen FILESET STATISTICS n ——————n 53 Selected to be installed, of which:n 1 Passed pre-installation verificationn 52 Deferred (see NOTE below)n —-n 1 Total to be installedn n *NOTE The deferred filesets mentioned above will be processed after then installp update and its requisites are successfully installed.n n RESOURCESn ———n Estimated system resource requirements for filesets being installed:n (All sizes are in 512-byte blocks)n Filesystem Needed Space Free Spacen / 72 419656n /usr 24024 5421432n /tmp 560 8378208n —– ——– ——n TOTAL: 24656 14219296n n NOTE: “Needed Space” values are calculated from data available priorn to installation. These are the estimated resources required for then entire operation. Further resource checks will be made duringn installation to verify that these initial estimates are sufficient.n n *****************************************************************************n End of installp PREVIEW. No apply operation has actually occurred.n **************************************************************************n n install_all_updates: ATTENTION, a higher level of install utilities isn available. The preview option will be more accurate and complete aftern updating to the latest level (see the -i option).n n install_all_updates: Log file is /var/adm/ras/install_all_updates.logn install_all_updates: Result = SUCCESS)
The standard output.
- stderr (always, str, install_all_updates: Initializing system parameters.n install_all_updates: Log file is /var/adm/ras/install_all_updates.logn install_all_updates: Checking for updated install utilities on media.n install_all_updates: ATTENTION, no installp images were found on media.n install_all_updates: Processing media.n installp: Device /dev/rfd0 could not be accessed.n Specify a valid device name.n install_all_updates: Error reading media on /dev/rfd0n n install_all_updates: Log file is /var/adm/ras/install_all_updates.logn install_all_updates: Result = FAILURE)
The standard error.
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This module is maintained by community.