hdcrypt_pks – Adds PKS authentication method and manages PKS keys
This module is useful for adding Platform Key Store authentication method to a device and managing the PKS keys.
This module is a wrapper around hdcryptmgr command.
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
AIX >= 72X
Python >= 2.7
- action (True, str, None)
Specifies which action needs to be performed.
adds PKS as an authentication method;show
displays the LV ids that are associated with the PKS keys and their status;export
exports the PKS keys into a specific file;import
imports the PKS keys from the specified file;clean
removes an invalid key from the PKS;- device (False, str, )
Specifies the devices for which you want to perform the action.
Required for action=addpks, action=export and action=import.
- method_name (False, str, initpks)
Specifies a name for the PKS method.
- location (False, str, None)
Location of the file where PKS keys will be exported/imported from
- passphrase (False, str, )
Specifies the passphrase that will be used for importing/exporting PKS keys
- pks_label (False, str, None)
logical volume ID that is associated with the invalid key that needs to be removed
You can refer to the IBM documentation for additional information on the commands used at https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/aix/7.2?topic=h-hdcryptmgr-command.
If the VG is in locked state, addpks action will not work.
- name: Add PKS to filesystem
action: addpks
device: testlv1
method_name: initpks
- name: Display PKS keys status
action: show
- name: Export PKS key to a file
action: export
device: testlv1
location: /tmp/file123
passphrase: abc1234
no_log: true
- name: Import PKS key
action: import
device: testlv1
location: /tmp/file123
passphrase: abc1234
no_log: true
- name: Clean invalid PKS key
action: clean
pks_label: 00fb293100004c000000018deea122dc.3
Return Values
- msg (always, str, )
The execution message.
- cmd (always, str, )
The command executed.
- rc (always, int, )
The command return code.
- stdout (always, str, )
The standard output of the command.
- stderr (always, str, )
The standard error of the command.
- changed (always, bool, )
Shows if any change was made.
- pksshow_results (If I(action=show), dict, )
Contains parsed output of “hdcryptmgr pksshow” command.
This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]
This module is maintained by community.