group – Manage presence, attributes and member of AIX groups.


It allows to create new group, to change/remove attributes and administrators or members of a group, and to delete an existing group.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • AIX >= 7.1 TL3

  • Python >= 3.6

  • Privileged user with authorizations:,,,,


name (True, str, None)

Specifies the name of the group to manage.

state (True, str, None)

Specifies the action to be performed.

present specifies to create a group if it does not exist, otherwise it changes the attributes of the specified group.

absent deletes an existing group. Users who are group members are not removed.

group_attributes (optional, dict, None)

Specifies the attributes for the group to be created or modified.

Can be used when state=present .

user_list_action (optional, str, None)

Specifies to add or remove members/admins from the group.

add to add members or admins of the group with provided users_list in group name

remove to remove members or admins of the group with provided users_list from group name

Can be used when state=present.

user_list_type (optional, str, None)

Specifies the type of user to add/remove.

members specifies the user_list_action is performed on members of the group

admins specifies the user_list_action is performed on admins of the group

Can be used when state=present.

users_list (optional, list, None)

Specifies a list of user to be added/removed as members/admins of the group.

Should be used along with user_list_action and user_list_type parameters.

Can be used when state=present.

remove_keystore (optional, bool, True)

Specifies to remove the group’s keystore information while removing the goup.

Can be used when state=absent.

load_module (optional, str, files)

Specifies the location where the operations need to be performed on the user.

files creates/updates/deletes the user present in the Local machine.

LDAP creates/updates the user present in the LDAP server.



- name: Add a member to a group
    state: modify
    name: ansible
    user_list_action: 'add'
    user_list_type: 'members'
    users_list: 'test1'

- name: Remove a member from a group
    state: modify
    name: ansible
    user_list_action: 'remove'
    user_list_type: 'members'
    users_list: 'test1'

- name: Create a group
    state: present
    name: ansible

- name: Remove a group
    state: absent
    name: ansible

- name: Modify group attributes
    state: modify
    name: ansible
    group_attributes: "admin=true"

Return Values

msg (always, str, Group: foo SUCCESSFULLY created.)

The execution message.

cmd (always, str, )

The command executed.

rc (When the command is executed., int, )

The command return code.

stdout’ (If the command failed., str, )

The standard output.

stderr’ (If the command failed., str, )

The standard error.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • AIX development Team (@pbfinley1911)