tunables – Modify/Reset/Show tunables for various components on AIX.


This module facilitates in the modification/reset/show of tunable parameter(s) with provided inputs.


The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.

  • AIX >= 7.1 TL3

  • Python >= 2.7

  • Root user is required.


action (True, str, None)

Specifies the action to be performed for tunables of a component.

show shows information of tunables specified by component and optional tunable_params.

modify modifies values of tunables specified by component and tunable_params.

reset resets values of tunables specified by component and optional tunable_params.

component (True, str, None)

Specifies the component name.

It must be unique, you cannot use the ALL or default keywords in the component.

change_type (optional, str, current)

Specifies the type of changes for the tunables.

For details on valid user attributes, please refers to IBM documentation.

For action=reset, change_type=current resets the current values of tunable/s specified by component and tunable_params to its default value.

For action=modify, change_type=current modifies the current values of tunable/s specified by component and tunable_params_with_value.

For action=reset, change_type=reboot resets the reboot values of tunable/s specified by component and tunable_params to its default value.

For action=modify, change_type=reboot modifies the reboot values of a tunable/s specified by component and tunable_params_with_value.

For action=reset, change_type=both resets the current and reboot values of tunable/s specified by component and tunable_params to its default value.

For action=modify, change_type=both modifies the current and reboot values of tunable/s specified by component and tunable_params_with_value.

bosboot_tunables (optional, bool, False)

Specifies whether the provided tunable_params or tunable_params_with_value are bosboot type or not.

Cannot be used when change_type=both.

tunable_params (optional, list, None)

Specifies the tunables in list format whose details need to be displayed or reset.

Can be used when action=show or action=reset.

Cannot be used with action=modify.

tunable_params_with_value (optional, dict, None)

Specifies the tunable(s) and their value(s) whose modification is required.

Cannot be used when action=show or action=reset.

Can be used with action=modify.

restricted_tunables (optional, bool, False)

forces the display, modification, or resetting of restricted tunables.


- name: "Modify vmo tunable parameters"
    action: modify
    component: vmo
      lgpg_regions: 10
      lgpg_size: 16777216

- name: "Modify vmo tunable parameters of type bosboot"
    action: modify
    component: vmo
    bosboot_tunables: True
      ame_mpsize_support: 1

- name: "Display information of all dynamic tunable parameters"
    action: show
    component: vmo

- name: "Display information of all tunable parameters including restricted"
    action: show
    component: vmo
    restricted_tunables: True

- name: "Display information of given tunable parameters"
    action: show
    component: vmo
      - lgpg_regions
      - lgpg_size

- name: "show reboot value of lgpg_regions tunable"
    action: show
    component: vmo
  register: output
- debug: var=output.tunables_details.lgpg_regions.reboot_value

- name: "Modify dynamic tunables/restricted dynamic tunables"
  # this will change the current value of given dynamic tunables and does NOT require any bosboot or reboot
    action: modify
    component: vmo
    restricted_tunables: True # in case of restricted tunables otherwise default is false
      lgpg_regions: 10   # dynamic tunable
      lgpg_size: 16777216 # dynamic tunables
      enhanced_affinity_balance: 1000 # restricted dynamic tunable
  register: result

- name: "Modify bosboot tunables/ restricted bosboot tunables"
  # this will only change the REBOOT VALUE and needs bosboot and reboot.
    action: modify
    component: vmo
    bosboot_tunables: True # mandatory
    restricted_tunables: true # if restricted tunable to be changed
      kernel_heap_psize: 16777216 # bosboot tunable
      batch_tlb: 0 # restricted bosboot tunables
  register: result
  # check for:
  # result.bosboot_required == True
  # result.reboot_required == True

- name: "Modify combination of bosboot and dynamic tunables"
  # this will only change the REBOOT VALUE for both bosboot and dynamic tunables and needs bosboot and reboot.
  # so, if bosboot and dynamic tunables are used together, only reboot value will get changed and needs bosboot and reboot
  # to make changes take into effect.
    action: modify
    component: vmo
    restricted_tunables: True # because of restricted tunables otherwise default is false
    bosboot_tunables: True # because of bosboot tunables otherwise default is false
    # if restricted tunable to be changed also then restricted_tunable: True
      lgpg_regions: 10   # dynamic tunable
      lgpg_size: 16777216 # dynamic tunables
      kernel_heap_psize: 16777216 # bosboot tunable

  register: result
  # check for:
  # result.bosboot_required == True
  # result.reboot_required == True

- name: "Reset bosboot tunables/ restricted bosboot tunables"
  # this will only change the REBOOT VALUE and needs bosboot and reboot.
  # example of one restricted and one non restricted bosboot tunable
    action: reset
    component: vmo
    restricted_tunables: True # because of restricted tunables otherwise default is false
    bosboot_tunables: True # because of bosboot tunables otherwise default is false
    tunable_params: ['kernel_heap_psize', 'batch_tlb']

  register: result
  # check for:
  # result.bosboot_required == True
  # result.reboot_required == True

- name: "Reset combination of bosboot and dynamic tunables"
  # this will only reset the REBOOT VALUE for both bosboot and dynamic tunables and needs bosboot and reboot.
  # so, if bosboot and dynamic tunables are used together, only reboot value will get reset and needs bosboot and reboot.
    action: modify
    component: vmo
    restricted_tunables: True # because of restricted tunables otherwise default is false
    bosboot_tunables: True # # because of bosboot tunables otherwise default is false
    tunable_params: ['kernel_heap_psize', 'lgpg_regions', 'kernel_heap_psize', 'enhanced_affinity_balance']

  register: result
  # check for:
  # result.bosboot_required == True
  # result.reboot_required == True

Return Values

msg (always, str, Following tunables have been reset SUCCESSFULLY: lgpg_size lgpg_regions)

The execution message.

rc (If the command failed., int, )

The return code.

stdout (always., str, )

The standard output.

stderr (always., str, )

The standard error.

cmd (always, str, )

Command executed.

tunables_details (If I(action=show)., dict, {‘tunables_details’: {‘lgpg_regions’: {‘reboot_value’: ‘0’, ‘current_value’: ‘0’, ‘default’: ‘0’, ‘dependencies’: ‘lgpg_size ‘, ‘maximum_value’: ‘9223372036854775807’, ‘minimum_value’: ‘0’, ‘type’: ‘Dynamic: can be freely changed’, ‘unit’: ‘’}}})

Dictionary output with the tunables detailed information.


  • This module is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface. [preview]

  • This module is maintained by community.


  • AIX Development Team (@nitismis)