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Locking - Blockers and Waiters


This card shows transactions that are blocking others.  In scenarios where work is hung, waiting on locks, this shows you the root cause of the problem.  You can easily see which connections could be forced to resolve the hang.


Histograms and Summaries (Gauges)


Metrics Shown in Grid

Application Handle


Application Name

Transaction State

Source: mon_get_unit_of_work.workload_occurrence_state

User ID

Lock Mode

Lock mode for the transaction holding the lock.

Number of Lock Waits

Number of times the transaction holding the lock has waited for a lock during its lifetime.

Source: mon_get_unit_of_work.lock_waits

Number of Lock Held

Number of locks currently held by the transaction holding this lock.

Source: mon_get_unit_of_work.num_locks_held

Number of Transactions Blocked

Number of other transactions that are currently waiting on this lock (i.e. blocked by this transaction).

Source: (query)

Lock Wait Time of Blocked Transactions (ms)

The total time spent waiting on locks for all transactions currently waiting on this lock.

This time includes time previously spent waiting on other locks.

sum(lock_wait_time) for all transactions waiting on this lock

Maximum Wait Time

The largest value for total time spent waiting on locks for a transaction blocked by this lock.

This time includes time previously spent waiting on other locks.

max(lock_wait_time) for all transactions waiting on this lock

Is Blocked

Flag (Yes or No) indicating whether the transaction holding this lock is itself blocked waiting on another lock.

Source: (query)

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Author: KevinLBeck