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Throughput - Time Spent


This view shows where the database is spending its time.  You should be able to see at a glance if excessive time is being spent in non-productive areas, such as waiting on locks or writing to event monitors.  There are some uncommon but important scenarios that are difficult to diagnose other than by noticing that the server is spending time on something strange.

DB2 organizes the monitor elements for time spent in a hierarchy.  For example, there is a monitor element for time spent waiting, which is broken down into many individual elements covering the various things that activities wait for, such as locks, prefetchers, logging, etc.  The particular hierarchy shown by dsmtop is the “System Dimension” one, documented here:

For each element shown, we show what percentage it constitutes of each of its parent element.  In the current implementation, we present only a summarized view across all members, which means that the stats for the Fast Communication Subsystem (FCM), which routes data and requests between members, is excluded because there is no meaningful aggregation possible for these monitor elements.

Nesting (position in the hierarchy) is shown by indenting the names of the time monitor elements.

The last column shows the raw values for the elements.  So if the display mode is “count”, this is the number of milliseconds the data server spent in that category since it was activated.

<TBD investigate and write-up what is shown in the last column when display mode is "delta">.  


Summaries and Histograms (Gauges)


Metrics Shown

Client idle wait time

Time spent waiting for the client to send its next request.

Total request time

The total amount of time spent working on requests.

Total wait time

The total time spent waiting within the DB2 database server.


Agent wait time

Time spent by an application queued to wait for an agent under concentrator configurations.



Workload manager total queue time

The time spent waiting on a WLM queuing threshold.

Time waited on locks

The total elapsed time spent waiting for locks.

Lock wait time global

Time spent on global lock waits.  This is relevant only for pureScale.

Others (nested under "Time waited on locks")

Log buffer wait time

The amount of time an agent spends waiting for space in the log buffer.

Log disk wait time

The amount of time an agent spends waiting for log records to be flushed to disk.

TCP/IP received wait time

The time spent waiting for an incoming client request over TCP/IP excluding idle time.

TCP/IP send wait time

Time spent blocking on a TCP/IP send to the client.

Interprocess communication received wait time

Interprocess communication send wait time

Audit subsystem wait time

Audit file write wait time



Diagnostic log file write wait time

Total buffer pool physical read time

Total buffer pool physical write time

Direct read time

Direct write time

Event monitor wait time

Total extended latch wait time

Time waited for prefetch

Communication exit wait time

Time spent waiting to send data

Time spent waiting to receive data

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

cluster caching facility wait time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Reclaim wait time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Space map page reclaim wait time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total compile processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total synchronous RUNSTATS processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total statistics fabrication processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total implicit compile processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total routine user code processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total section processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total section sort processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total column-organized processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total commits processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total rollback processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total runtime statistics processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total reorganization processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total load processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total non-wait time for online backups

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total non-wait time creating / re-creating indexes

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total connection or switch user processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Total connection authentication processing time

Source: mon_get_service_subclass.

Default Sort Column

N / A - sorting is disabled for this view, since any rearrangement of the rows would scramble the time-spent hierarchy.

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Author: KevinLBeck