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Throughput - Members


Show some basic statistics about individual members.  Member specific memory and transaction log usage are found here.


Histograms and Summaries (Gauges)

(link TBD)

Metrics Shown in Grid

Partition Number

Partition Status

Buffer LWM

Delta BufSent/s

Delta BufRcvd/s

Pool CurrSize

Pool HWM

Channels Free

Space Used

Total Space

Log Current

Log First

Log Last

Number of Pools

Count the number of memory application and database memory pools.

select member, count(*) from table(mon_get_memory_pool(...))

where memory_set_type in('APPLICATION','DATABASE')

group by member

Log Space Used

Percent of Log Used

Agent ID Holding 1st Log

Source: mon_get_transaction_log.applid_holding_oldest_xact

Default Sort Column

Partition number (Member): Ascending

Keyboard navigation: Vtp

Dedicated shortcut key: alt-p

Author: KevinLBeck