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Optional Lab 3: Run the example application with App ID

Attention: Outdated! Doesn't work fully correctly anymore!

In this optional lab, we use an IBM Cloud App ID service instance for authentication and authorization.

We will create an IBM Cloud App ID service instance using a "lite" plan, this plan type does not create additional costs for us.

Currently this lab is not documented very detailed. It's designed to be a part of a live session. You find the source code here.


Here is a simplified architecture diagram which shows the Web-App and the two microservices Web-API and Articles and App ID are running on IBM Cloud.

  • Code Engine applications

    • Web-App
    • Web-API
    • Articles
  • IBM Cloud services

    • App ID

Deploy the example application with App ID

(optional) Step 1: Clone the GitHub project to the IBM Cloud Shell

Only needed, if you haven't done it before.

Insert these commands to clone the GitHub project to the IBM Cloud Shell.

git clone
cd ce-cns

(optional) Step 2: Now set the environment variable for later usage

Only needed, if you haven't done it before.

REMEMBER! Your Code Engine project name is cloud-native-starter-[YOUR-EXTENTION]

export MYPROJECT=cloud-native-starter-[YOUR-EXTENTION]

Optional setting:


Log on to IBM Cloud!

ibmcloud login  -g $RESOURCE_GROUP -r $REGION (-sso Optional)

Step 3: Execute following bash automation

Be patient, because the script may take several minutes (up to 10 min).


Step 4: Simplified steps of the bash script

Here are the simplified steps that are carried out in the bash script using mainly the IBM Cloud Code Engine CLI:

  1. Connect to the Code Engine project with the Code Engine CLI and get the namespace for later usage to define the internal route.
  2. Create an App ID instance
  3. Configure the App ID instance
  4. Deploy articles microservice which is defined as local cluster here, we need to know the namespace. (details are related to Knative)
  5. Deploy web-api with the needed App ID and articles urls as environment variables.
  6. Deploy web-app with the needed App ID and web-api urls as environment variables.

Step 5: Inspect the output

The relevant URLs will be listed.

 - oAuthServerUrl   :
 - discoveryEndpoint:
 - Web-API          :
 - Articles         : http://articles-appid.eqiatmmvvti.svc.cluster.local/articlesA
 - Web-App          :

Step 6: Open the example web-app application in your browser

Use user: and password: thomas4appid for the logon.

Step 7: Show the sample articles

Maybe you need to reload or log on again, to get all applications up and running in Code Engine.

Step 8: Clean-up


Congratulations, you have successfully completed this optional hands-on lab tasks for Run the example application with App ID section of the workshop. Awesome ⭐