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Known issues

1. Error message from Keycloak appears, when you invoke the web-app

When you get the following error message from Keycloak, after you invoked the web-app url, something went wrong during the Keycloak configuration at the setup. One reason could be, that the Keycloak container was restarted after the Keycloak configuration and the container lost the needed realm configuration for the example application.

Keycloak needs to be reconfigured.

  • Ensure you set project name
export MYPROJECT=cloud-native-starter-[YOUR-EXTENTION]

2. Timeout message appears, after loggin in

If the following error message persists after refreshing your Browser multiple times, we will ensure that the articles service will run continously with one instance.

To fix the issue, we will change the configuration of the articles service.

Note: Your project should be named cloud-native-starter-[YOUR-EXTENTION]

Step 2: Click on your project and select Applications.

Step 3: Open the articles application

Step 4: Open the Configuration tab, and select Runtime.

Step 5: Click on Edit and create new revision

Now you change the Min number of instances from 0 to 1. This ensures, that the articles service is permanently available for the web-api service.

Step 6: Press the Save and create Button

This creates a new configuration for the articles application as you can see in the Overview tab under Configuration revisions.

3. Issues with multiple Accounts

If you have multiple IBM Cloud accounts, please verify that the account logged in to the Code Engine dashboard matches the account logged in to the IBM Cloud Shell.

Step 1: Verify account logged in to the Code Engine dashboard

Step 2: Verify account logged in to the IBM Cloud Shell

4. Knative "unknown flag: --annotation-revision"

If you see following error in the IBM Cloud shell:

The reason is the Knative CLI must be updated inside the IBM Cloud shell. No task on your side.