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Lab 4: Logging of the applications

Here we use the IBM Cloud Log Analysis (lite plan).

Create the logging service automatically

Note: If you are using an IBM Cloud TechZone Environment, you can skip the Create the logging service automatically you don't need to create the service because the service exists.

You can create the lite service instances for logging and monitoring by using this bash script


Open the logging for all applications

Step 1: Go back to the project overview

Step 2: Select Actions -> Logging

In case you don't have an existing instance of IBM Cloud Log Analysis Code Engine, follow steps in Create an IBM Cloud Log Analysis service manually or use the bash script.

Step 3: Verify the IBM Cloud Log Analysis will be opened in the browser

Create an IBM Cloud Log Analysis service manually

Step 1: Select Actions -> Add logging

In case you don't have an existing instance of IBM Cloud Log Analysis, Code Engine will automatically guide you to create a lite plan instance, when you select Actions -> Add logging.

Step 2: In the upcoming dialog select Lite and leave the defaults selected for region and resource group.

Name the service instance IBMCloudLogging-Code-Engine and press Create.

Step 3: Refresh your browser with your Code Engine project.

When the IBM Cloud Log Analysis is ready and you select Actions -> Add logging again, the following dialog will appear. In this dialog you select your just created IBM Cloud Log Analysis service instance with the name IBMCloudLogging-Code-Engine.

Now you use the IBM Cloud Log Analysis service.

Configure a filter for the logging

Step 1: Select Code Engine in the Sources tab

Step 2: Insert "-->log:" as a text filter


Step 3: Invoke the frontend application several times

In the gif you see an example result. Now you filter the custom console outputs of the microservices web-api and articles. If you want to can save it as a view in the Log Analysis UI.

For more details please use the IBM Cloud Code Engine documentation for logging

Congratulations, you have successfully completed this hands-on lab Logging of the applications of the workshop. Awesome ⭐