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Optional Lab 1: Run the example application locally

To run these optional exercises you need to ensure you have installed the following tools on your local machine and you can run them in your terminal sessions.


Here is the local architecture whichs shows the Web-App and the two microservices Web-API and Articles and Keycloak are running on your local machine in terminal sessions.

The gif shows the logon to the example web frontend application. This is the simplified sequence which happens in the background:

  1. When we invoke the web frontend on `http://localhost:8080 we will be routed to login dialog provided by the Keyloak server.
  2. After the successfull Keycloak authentication we will be redirected to the web frontend and the frontend gets an access-token.
  3. The access-token contains the needed information for the authorization at the Java microservice Web-API and the user information.
  4. The web frontend extracts and displays the username.
  5. Then the web fronted uses the access-token to invoke the Web-API Microservice endpoint to get the articles and displays them.

Step 1: Clone the project to your local machine

git clone
cd ce-cns

Setup Keycloak locally

In this part we will setup Keycloak locally. We will run a local Keycloak Docker container and reuse an existing realm configuration.

The image below shows the relevant elements we will use later.

Step 1: Start Keycloak Docker image local

Open the first terminal session and enter following command:

docker run -it -e KEYCLOAK_USER=admin -e KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD=admin -p 8282:8080 jboss/keycloak:9.0.2

Note: We use here

  • 8282:8080 port forwarding
  • keycloak:9.0.2 container image

Step 2: Import the existing realm configuration

  1. Open the Keycloak in a browser and select the Administration Console

Use the following URL:


  1. Login to using the URL in your browser with user/admin and password/admin

  2. Select Add realm

  1. Choose for import Select file and open the cns-realm.json.

Step 3: Press view all users

You should see the following users: admin, alice, jdoe

Step 4: Verify the role mapping

Setup Web-App

Step 1: Configure web-app

The web-app is preconfigured for local usage of Keycloak (http://localhost:8282/auth) and web-api (http://localhost:8082/articles) and save the changes. (Link to main.js file)

cd $ROOT_FOLDER/code/web-app/src
nano main.js


if (currentHostname.indexOf('localhost') > -1) {
  console.log("--> log: option 1");
  urls = {
    api: 'http://localhost:8082',
    login: 'http://localhost:8282/auth',
    cns: 'http://localhost:8080'
  store.commit("setAPIAndLogin", urls);

Step 2: Run the web-app

Open the second terminal session and start the application on port 8081.

cd $ROOT_FOLDER/code/web-app
yarn install
yarn serve

Setup Web-Api

Step 1: Configure web-api

When we run the example application locally, we don't need to change the source code for the web-api microservce. (Link to file)

cd $ROOT_FOLDER/code/web-api/src/main/resources


# When running locally, uncomment the next line, add your Keycloak URL, must end on '/auth/realms/quarkus'




Step 2: Run the web-api Microservice

Open a third terminal and start the service on port 8082.

cd $ROOT_FOLDER/code/web-api
mvn clean package quarkus:dev

Setup Articles microservice

Step 1: Configure articles

When you run the articles microservice locally ensure you have uncommented quarkus.http.port=8083 and #quarkus.http.port=8080 commented out. ((Link to file)

cd $ROOT_FOLDER/code/articles/src/main/resources


# When running locally, uncomment the next line, add your Keycloak URL, must end on '/auth/realms/quarkus'


# quarkus.http.port=8080
# When running locally, uncomment the next line, to use the port 8083

Step 2: Run the articles Microservice

Open a fourth terminal and start the service on port 8083.

cd $ROOT_FOLDER/code/articles
mvn clean package quarkus:dev

Open the Web-App

Step 1: Open the Web-App in your local browser

Open the following URL in your browser:


Step 2: Log in with the test user: alice, password: alice

Observe the running application

Congratulations, you have successfully completed this optional hands-on lab tasks for Authentication and Authorization with Keycloak and Quarkus section of the workshop. Awesome ⭐