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Lab 1: Setup the example application

IBM Cloud Account

Step 1: Create a PayAsYouGo IBM Cloud Account

Open this link and follow the guided steps.

Code Engine has a free tier per month and we expect, if you haven't used that free tier in current month, you can execute the workshop without creating any additional costs. For the monitoring and logging we will use free lite plans for the service instances of IBM Cloud Monitoring and IBM Cloud Log Analysis.

Here you find the actual Code Engine pricing. The image blow shows a screen shot from 26. May 2021 of the free tier.

Optional: Use TechZone

If you are an IBM Partner or an IBMer you can use TechZone to reserve an IBM Cloud environment for the workshop. You find the details in the additional resources of the workshop documentation for TechZone.


The following simplified architecture diagram show the dependencies of the Code Engine project and the Quay Container Registry.

Create Code Engine project

Note: If you are using an IBM Cloud TechZone Environment, you can skip the Create Code Engine project and replace the project name with the specified Code Engine project name for your IBM Cloud TechZone Environment.

Step 1: Log on to IBM Cloud and navigate to the Code Engine projects

Use following link to directly navigate to the Code Engine projects in IBM Cloud.

Step 2: Navigate to Code Engine projects in IBM Cloud and press Create

Step 3: Create a Code Engine project called cloud-native-starter-[YOUR-EXTENTION]

Enter following values, select create and wait until your project is created.

  • Location : Dallas
  • Name : cloud-native-starter-[YOUR-EXTENTION] (The name must be unique in the in Cloud Location Dallas)
  • Resource group: default

The image below shows the created Code Engine project.

IBM Cloud Shell

Step 1: Open the IBM Cloud Shell

When using the IBM Cloud Shell, no client-side setup is required for this workshop, it comes with all necessary CLIs (command line tools).

Use following link to directly open the IBM Cloud Shell.

In your browser, log in to the IBM Cloud Dashboard and open the IBM Cloud Shell from here:

Note: Your workspace includes 500 MB of temporary storage. This session will close after an hour of inactivity. If you don't have any active sessions for an hour or you reach the 50-hour weekly usage limit, your workspace data is removed.

Step 2: IBM Cloud Shell

Now you are logged on with your IBM Cloud account.

Deploy the example application

Step 1: Clone the GitHub project to the IBM Cloud Shell

Insert these commands to clone the GitHub project to the IBM Cloud Shell.

git clone
cd ce-cns

Step 2: Now set the environment variable for later usage

REMEMBER! Your Code Engine project name cloud-native-starter-[YOUR-EXTENTION]

export MYPROJECT=cloud-native-starter-[YOUR-EXTENTION]

Note: In case you are using an IBM Cloud TechZone Environment, please execute following commands to set the right environment.

export MYPROJECT=<project from email>
export REGION=<region from email>
export RESOURCE_GROUP=<rg from email>

Step 3: Execute following bash automation

Be patient, because the script may take several minutes (up to 10 min).


Note: Here are the default values for the script:

export PROJECT_NAME=$MYPROJECT #your project name
export RESOURCE_GROUP=default #the resource group in IBM Cloud you defined during the creation of the project
export REPOSITORY=tsuedbroecker #the name of the public container repository on Quay
export REGION="us-south" #the region in IBM Cloud that is used. When you choose Dallas as location during the creation of the project the region is "us-south"

If you plan to use a different configuration, you need ajust these variables to your needs. For more details please visit the bash script: The bash script uses for example the ibmcloud target -g command to target IBM Cloud Resouce Group.

ibmcloud target -g $RESOURCE_GROUP

Step 4: Simplified steps of the bash script

Here are the simplified steps that are carried out in the bash script using mainly the IBM Cloud Code Engine CLI:

  1. Connect to the Code Engine project with the Code Engine CLI and get the namespace for later usage to define the internal route.
  2. Deploy web-app to get needed route for the redirect of Keycloak
  3. Deploy Keycloak simply as a container (that's the reason why not scale to zero (stateful))
  4. Configure the Keycloak realm json file based on the web-app url and create realm.
  5. Deploy articles microservice which is defined as local cluster here, we need to know the namespace. (details are related to Knative)
  6. Deploy web-api with the needed Keycloak and articles urls as environment variables.
  7. Reconfigure web-app with the needed Keycloak and web-api urls as environment variables.
  8. Configure the application scale to zero timeframe using a Knative annotation :kn service update articles --annotation-revision

PS: You can also use the script, which does create secrets for the user and password for the Keycloak container.


Step 5: Inspect the output

The following shows an example execution result of the bash script and the last four lines do contain the routes to the applications.

 - Keycloak :
 - Web-API  :
 - Articles : http://articles.9xztp8web0h.svc.cluster.local/articles
 - Web-App  :

You can open the example application with the Web-App link. Copy the link and open the link in a browser.

Step 6: Open the example application in your browser and log in

Use user: alice and password: alice for the logon.

Because of scale to zero it could be that the first invocation of the articles cloud take longer. If instead of a Login-Screen you get a "We are sorry, page not found" error, please refer to the known issues page.

Step 7: Verify that the articles are displayed in the browser

If you see the following page, please reload the browser. Remember, this can take time, because all applications need to be available.

If the issue persists, please refer to the known issues page.

Congratulations, you have successfully completed this hands-on lab Setup the example application of the workshop. Awesome ⭐