settings.json properties

You can control the characteristics of your environment by setting the following preferences in settings.json by using the JSON editor. For more information, see Accessing settings for IBM Z Open Editor.

List of settings.json properties

[cobol]Use "[cobol]": {"editor.rulers": [array]} to set rulers for COBOL in the editor. array is an array of numbers representing the column numbers at which you want a ruler to appear. For more information, see Setting language specific tab stops and rulers.
[hlasm]Use "[hlasm]": {"editor.rulers": [array]} to set rulers for HLASM in the editor. array is an array of numbers representing the column numbers at which you want a ruler to appear. For more information, see Setting language specific tab stops and rulers.
[jcl]Use "[jcl]": {"editor.rulers": [array]} to set rulers for JCL in the editor. array is an array of numbers representing the column numbers at which you want a ruler to appear. For more information, see Setting language specific tab stops and rulers.
[pl1]Use "[pl1]": {"editor.rulers": [array]} to set rulers for PL/I in the editor. array is an array of numbers representing the column numbers at which you want a ruler to appear. For more information, see Setting language specific tab stops and rulers.
[rexx]Use "[rexx]": {"editor.rulers": [array]} to set rulers for REXX in the editor. array is an array of numbers representing the column numbers at which you want a ruler to appear. For more information, see Setting language specific tab stops and rulers.
files.associationsSpecifies file names, including data set and member names, that contain certain strings as the appropriate type of file. For detailed usage, see Setting file associations.
zopeneditor.advancedCapabilities.enableRseApiActivationCheckThe zopeneditor.advancedCapabilities.enableRseApiActivationCheck setting is used to enable advanced capabilities activation using an RSE API server. To learn if you should enable this setting, read the documentation for advanced capabilities activation.
zopeneditor.autoPreprocessorThe zopeneditor.autoPreprocessor setting is used to specify when the COBOL or PL/I preprocessor is invoked.
zopeneditor.cobol.enableCodeFoldingEnable code folding support for this language. The default value is true.
zopeneditor.cobol.enableUnreachableCodeWarningsEnables unreachable code warnings in the COBOL programs. For more information, see Enabling and disabling unreachable COBOL code warnings.
zopeneditor.cobol.disableProblemsDisables code problems in the Problems view and editor. It will keep other language features such as Outline view available if possible. It will also disable unreachable code warnings. The default value is false. For more information, see Enabling and disabling problems in IBM Z Open Editor.
zopeneditor.cobol.includeFileExtensionsSpecifies a list of file name extensions for COBOL include files. For more information, see Defining Include file associations.
zopeneditor.cobol.maximumLineLengthProvides a maximum line length for the COBOL editor. This setting will allow the editor to truncate all text after the provided column number while saving a document. To disable truncation of characters, set maximum line length to -1. For more information, see Setting language-specific maximum line length.
zopeneditor.cobol.sequenceNumbersChoose which columns will have sequence numbers inserted and removed from a file by using the Renumber and Unnumber functions in the COBOL editor. The following values are allowed:
  • zopeneditor.cobol.sequenceNumbers.column1: Numbering starts at column 1
  • zopeneditor.cobol.sequenceNumbers.column73: Numbering starts at column 73
  • zopeneditor.cobol.sequenceNumbers.column1and73: Numbering starts at column 1 and 73
zopeneditor.cobol.tabstopsAdds custom COBOL tab stops in the editor. For more information, see Setting language specific tab stops and rulers.
zopeneditor.datasetsSpecifies data set names that should contain COBOL or PL/I programs, copybooks, include files, and JCL. For detailed usage, see Setting file associations.
zopeneditor.encodings.filePatternsThe zopeneditor.autoPreprocessor settings maps file name glob patterns to an EBCDIC file encoding. Use this setting to specify the EBCDIC encoding to be used when it is placed back on z/OS. It only controls what encodings are passed to the language servers. To control encodings used for file conversions when uploading or downloading z/OS resources, use your ZAPP file or Zowe profile. The setting is evaluated with the following rule set:
  1. If an RSE profile is used to access the file, Z Open Editor first looks for an encoding specified by your RSE mappings (either in your zapp.yaml or the location in the zopeneditor.zowe.defaultRseConversionMappingsFile setting).
  2. If no RSE mappings exist or if you are using a z/OSMF profile to access the file, Z Open Editor checks for any matches between the file's path and the patterns defined in zopeneditor.encodings.filePatterns.
    • These patterns should be specified as glob patterns. A single asterisk * matches any number of characters within a path segment, including none. A double asterisk ** matches any number of path segments, including none. For example, { **/COBOL/*.cbl : IBM-930 } assigns any file paths containing a directory named COBOL ending with a .cbl extension an encoding of IBM-930. Learn more about how to specify glob in new window
  3. If no matches are found, the encoding specified in the Zowe profile is used.
  4. Local files match only against the zopeneditor.encodings.filePatterns setting for an encoding.
zopeneditor.enforceCaseSensitiveIncludeFileNamesEnforce case-sensitive matching of local copybooks and include file names in property groups. Default is false to match files with all cases in the path. Set it to true to avoid ambiguous matching on case-insensitive file systems.
zopeneditor.hlasm.disableProblemsDisables code problems in the Problems view and editor. It will keep other language features such as Outline view available if possible. The default value is false. For more information, see Enabling and disabling problems in IBM Z Open Editor.
zopeneditor.hlasm.enableResolvingMacrosEnables the automatic resolution of SYS1.MACLIB macro files from MVS using your Zowe Explorer profiles. See the Remote Macros section for more details. The default value is false. To use this feature, you need to set it to true.
zopeneditor.hlasm.enableCustomMacrosWarningsEnables warnings under all custom macros that can not be found in your HLASM programs. The default value is true. For more information, see Custom Macros for HLASM.
zopeneditor.hlasm.includeFileExtensionsSpecifies a list of file name extensions for HLASM include files. For more information, see Defining Include file associations.
zopeneditor.hlasm.instructionsFilePathAllows you to specify a custom HLASM instructions file. Contact IBM Support for questions about the format of such a file or updates to our out of the box file, for example, for a new hardware versions.
zopeneditor.hlasm.macrosFilePathAllows you to specify a custom macro definitions file. This option is currently used internally only, but the schema for this format will be provided in a future release so that users can provide their own custom macro references.
zopeneditor.hlasm.maximumLineLengthProvides a maximum line length for the HLASM editor. This setting will allow the editor to truncate all text after the provided column number while saving a document. To disable truncation of characters, set maximum line length to -1. For more information, see Setting language-specific maximum line length.
zopeneditor.hlasm.reduceCustomMacroLoggingReduces the amount of logs that are sent between the HLASM language server and the Z Open Editor client. This increases the performance for scanning and resolving custom macro libraries. The default value is false. For more information, see Custom Macros for HLASM.
zopeneditor.hlasm.tabstopsDefines custom HLASM tab stops in the editor. For more information, see Setting language specific tab stops and rulers.
zopeneditor.hlasm.zosMacrosVersionDefines the version of z/OS to use for macro definitions. This allows for more accurate results for the hover and code completion features in HLASM. For more information, see Remote Macros.
zopeneditor.JAVA_HOMESpecifies a different Java for IBM Z Open Editor other than the default of your computer. For more information, see section Selecting the Java installation to use in Getting started.
zopeneditor.jcl.enableCodeFoldingEnable code folding support for this language. The default value is true.
zopeneditor.jcl.includeFileExtensionsSpecify the file extensions to be used for finding JCL include files on your local file system. To edit an include file locally, a file extension is required.
zopeneditor.jcl.maximumLineLengthProvides a maximum line length for the JCL editor. This setting will allow the editor to truncate all text after the provided column number while saving a document. To disable truncation of characters, set maximum line length to -1. For more information, see Setting language-specific maximum line length.
zopeneditor.jcl.tabstopsDefines custom JCL tab stops in the editor. For more information, see Setting language specific tab stops and rulers.
zopeneditor.jcl.disableProblemsDisables code problems in the Problems view and editor. It will keep other language features such as Outline view available if possible. The default value is false. For more information, see Enabling and disabling problems in IBM Z Open Editor.
zopeneditor.loggerEnables a logging output. See Troubleshooting using log files for details.
zopeneditor.pl1.disableProblemsDisables code problems in the Problems view and editor. It will keep other language features such as Outline view available if possible. The default value is false. For more information, see Enabling and disabling problems in IBM Z Open Editor.
zopeneditor.pl1.includeFileExtensionsSpecifies a list of file name extensions for PL/I include files. For more information, see Defining Include file associations.
zopeneditor.pl1.maximumLineLengthProvides a maximum line length for the PL/I editor. This setting will allow the editor to truncate all text after the provided column number while saving a document. To disable truncation of characters, set maximum line length to -1. For more information, see Setting language-specific maximum line length.
zopeneditor.rexx.disableProblemsDisables code problems in the Problems view and editor. It will keep other language features such as Outline view available if possible. The default value is false. For more information, see Enabling and disabling problems in IBM Z Open Editor.
zopeneditor.rexx.maximumLineLengthProvides a maximum line length for the REXX editor. This setting will allow the editor to truncate all text after the provided column number while saving a document. To disable truncation of characters, set maximum line length to -1. For more information, see Setting language-specific maximum line length.
zopeneditor.server.memoryAllocationSpecifies the maximum value of the memory that language servers are allowed to allocate. For more information, see section Configuring the Java memory allocation in Getting started.
zopeneditor.server.startupOptionsConfigure additional startup parameters for Java virtual machines started for running language servers. These might have been provided by tech support for troubleshooting. Leave blank by default.
zopeneditor.userbuild.enabledEnable User Build capabilities that utilize IBM Dependency Based Build. When enabled, you can run a user build to compile and link programs during coding and unit testing simply by right-clicking inside a COBOL, PL/I, or HLASM file.
zopeneditor.userbuild.userSettingsSettings for IBM User Build. See the IBM Documentationopen in new window for details.
zopeneditor.userbuild.alwaysShowCommandsBy default, user build commands are only available for COBOL, HLASM, and PL/I files. Enable this setting to show user build commands in context menus and the command palette for all files (excluding include files). This will allow you to run user builds with custom Groovy and zBuilder scripts on files of other languages.
zopeneditor.watsonx.watsonxCodeAssistantForZ.enableEnables and disables the IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z feature.
zopeneditor.watsonx.watsonxCodeAssistantForZ.authenticationURLOverrides the IBM Cloud IAM Identity Services URL. Leave it unassigned to use the default service.
zopeneditor.watsonx.watsonxCodeAssistantForZ.URLOverrides the URL to the IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z service. Leave it unassigned to use the default service.
zopeneditor.watsonx.watsonxCodeAssistantForZ.logLevelSets the logging level for IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z. Technical support might instruct you to change this value for problem analysis.
zopeneditor.watsonx.watsonxCodeAssistantForZ.timeoutOverrides the timeout value in milliseconds for requests sent to IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z.
zopeneditor.welcomePage.showShow the welcome page on VS Code startup.
zopeneditor.zapp.useDefaultOnlineZappSchemaZ Open Editor comes with the built-in ZAPP JSON schema. It can be used for YAML files using Red Hat's YAML VS Code extension, and for JSON files with the built-in editor. If you encounter issues locating this built-in schema on deployments like Eclipse Che, such as being unable to see syntax errors with the Red Hat YAML extension, enable this option to load the schema from the internet.
zopeneditor.zapp.customZappSchemaLocationWhen you work offline but have to provide a path to the ZAPP schema yourself, such as in a custom Che deployment, specify a valid HTTP or file URL to the location of the ZAPP JSON schema. If specified, the Use Default Online Zapp Schema option will be ignored.
zopeneditor.zapp.generateZappOnDemandWhen you open a COBOL, PL/I, HLASM, or REXX program and none is found in all the open workspaces, a generic ZAPP file is automatically generated. This file will search for include files in all workspaces and folders.
zopeneditor.zapp.variablesUse to specify variable names with values that will be substituted in your ZAPP files. To reference a variable defined here in a ZAPP file, write ${variable-name}. For example, define a variable here called HLQ with a value that represents your personal high-level qualifier on z/OS MVS. In your ZAPP file, reference the variable in a property group's location entry like this: ${HLQ}.COBOL.COPYBOOKs. Do not use single or double-quote characters for variable names and values. Note that all users need to define all the variables in their user settings that are used by the ZAPP file to avoid errors. You can place these properties in VS Code user and workspace settings.
zopeneditor.zcodeformat.useDefaultOnlineZCodeFormatSchemaZ Open Editor comes with the built-in zCodeFormat JSON schema. It can be used for YAML files using Red Hat's YAML VS Code extension, and for JSON files with the built-in editor. If you encounter issues locating this built-in schema on deployments like Eclipse Che, such as being unable to see syntax errors with the Red Hat YAML extension, enable this option to load the schema from the internet.
zopeneditor.zcodeformat.customZCodeFormatSchemaLocationWhen you work offline but have to provide a path to the zCodeFormat schema yourself, such as in a custom Che deployment, specify a valid HTTP or file URL to the location of the zCodeFormat JSON schema. If specified, the Use Default Online zCodeFormat Schema option will be ignored.
zopeneditor.zoweThe zopeneditor.zowe setting can be used at a user or workspace level. Typically every user specifies these in their user settings using their personal profile names. If defined in workspace settings, then it is assumed that all users of this workspace have defined the same standardized profile names on their systems. If set at both levels, the user and workspace level, the workspace level overrides the user level.
  • Use "zopeneditor.zowe": {"defaultCliProfile": "<profile_name>"} to specify the name of the profile you want to use for IBM Z Open Editor operations. If this is not defined, IBM Z Open Editor follows the precedence rules described in Setting up and using RSE profiles in IBM Z Open Editor to identify which CLI profile to use.
  • Use "zopeneditor.zowe": {"defaultSshCliProfile": "<profile_name>"} to specify the name of the Zowe CLI SSH profile used for remote execution of commands on UNIX System Services of your z/OS system. If no valid profile name is provided, the default SSH profile is used.
  • Use "zopeneditor.zowe": {"defaultRseConversionMappingsFile": "<absolute pathname>"} to specify the path to a valid RSE API mappings file or ZAPP file that contains RSE API mappings. These mappings are used for Zowe Explorer MVS file content read or write operations for RSE API profiles. Note, that property groups for remote include file resolution and user build does not use this setting, but look for a workspace-local ZAPP file or if not found, a mappings file in the user's .zowe/profiles/rse directory.
  • Use the boolean setting "zopeneditor.zowe": {"listBeforeDownload": "<true-or-false>"} to modify Z Open Editor's behavior when requesting an include file from MVS: - When the setting is set to true, the editor trys to confirm that the data set containing the requested member and the member itself exist by performing a list operation for that data set and member. The data set's existence is cached for 5 minutes to avoid performing unnecessary list operations while processing pending requests. If the requested include file exists, the editor sends another request to download it. If the requested include file does not exist, the editor moves on to test the next location listed in the property group. - When the setting is set to false, the editor directly trys to download the include file from MVS without checking whether it actually exists. If the response from z/OS is a Not Found error, the editor moves on to the next location listed in the property group. In some cases when using z/OSMF as the protocol, this Not Found error causes entries in z/OS log files, which you can avoid by specifying the value of the setting to true. However, this extra round-trip to the server to check the existence has a performance impact. Because the logging is not an issue when using the RSE API protocol and due to the performance advantage, the default value for this setting is false.
  • Use the integer setting "zopeneditor.zowe": {"maximumParallelFileDownloads": "<1-to-10>"} to specify how many parallel downloads Z Open Editor should perform, when requesting include files from MVS. Downloading several files in parallel can significantly improve performance, especially when you edit programs with many include files. The downside is that some protocols such as z/OSMF allocates more address spaces for the parallel requests, which causes more resources being used and more logging on the z/OS side. The RSE API protocol does not have that problem because it achieves scalability in other ways that are documented in the RSE documentation. The default value for this setting is 5, and the maximum value is 10. Set it to 1 to disable parallel downloads, requesting one include file at the time.
  • Use the boolean setting "zopeneditor.zowe": {"readonlyRemoteIncludeFiles": "<true-or-false>"} to control whether edits to remote include files, that were resolved as a result opening a program are written back to MVS. These remote include files are accessed by ctrl or cmd-clicking the resolved include file inside of a program. By default, these include files open as read-only to avoid accidental changes. Setting this setting true allows you to edit and these include files back to MVS.
Last Updated:
Contributors: Shi Kun Li, Peter Haumer, Chun Hong Zheng, Lauren Li, Peter Haumer, Benjamin Santos, Bradley Knaysi, Ethan Mendel, Hestia Zhang, Lauren Li, PETER HAUMER, Saile Daimwood, Billie Jean Simmons, KRISTINA MAYO, Min Huang, Prasang Prajapati, Saile, Vinithanjali Selvaraj, kmaselli