Keyboard shortcuts reference

Search for identifiers within the Outline view and go to symbolCtrl+Shift+OCmd+Shift+O
Show the list of available code completionCtrl+SpaceCtrl+Space
Open copybook/include files in a separate editorCtrl+ClickCmd+Click
Change all occurrencesCtrl+F2Cmd+F2
Find all referencesAlt+Shift+F12Option+Shift+F12
Peek referencesShift+F12Shift+F12
Go to definitionF12F12
Peek definitionAlt+F12Option+F12
Rename symbolsF2F2
Open the VS Code command paletteCtrl+Shift+PCtrl+Shift+P
Open the Problems viewCtrl+Shift+MCmd+Shift+M
Open the Git viewCtrl+Shift+GCtrl+Shift+G
Open the Terminal windowCtrl+Back quote1Ctrl+Back quote1


  1. The back quote key is labeled as ` on your keyboard.
Last Updated:
Contributors: Shi Kun Li, Lauren Li, Min Huang, Peter Haumer