Filtering by multiple columns

When you’re navigating the catalog, you can apply a complex set of filtering criteria to display the objects that you want to work with.

For example, when you’re looking at the databases in the catalog, click the Filter by fields icon (Filter icon) in the toolbar at the top of the page to display a menu of the attributes that you can filter on. By default, the Select column field is populated with Name and the Select operator field is populated with Contains.

In the following example, we enter DD in the Value field for the Name column (note that the filter feature is case-sensitive). Then we click the Add filter icon to display a new set of input fields, and we select Encoding scheme of EBCDIC. When we click Apply, only the databases that contain the characters DD and that have an encoding scheme of EBCDIC are displayed.

We click the Filter by fields icon again to specify an additional criteria: buffer pools that start with BP0.

Filtering by multiple columns

When all of these criteria are applied, we’re presented with only those databases that:

  • Contain the characters DD
  • Have an encoding scheme equal to EBCDIC
  • Have a buffer pool that starts with BP0

The operators and values vary depending on the characteristics of each column.

To remove a filter, click the Remove filter icon on the right side of the Filter settings dialog, and to remove all filters click Clear all.