What’s new in this release

2.1.6 (June 2024)

Db2 for z/OS Developer Extension 2.1.6 provides the following significant enhancements:

Support for debugging external stored procedures

You can now debug external SQL stored procedures. For more information, see Debugging native and external SQL stored procedures.

Support for tuning SQL statements without using a tuning profile

You can now run SQL tuning features without using a tuning profile. For more information, see Setting up an SQL Tuning Environment.

Support for importing existing database connections from IBM Data Studio

You can now import database connections from IBM Data Studio. For more information, see Importing database connections from IBM Data Studio.

Complete support for filtering multiple columns

You can now apply complex filtering criteria to all of the Db2 for z/OS catalog objects. For more information, see Filtering by multiple columns.

2.1.5 (March 2024)

Db2 for z/OS Developer Extension 2.1.5 provides the following significant enhancements:

Initial support for external stored procedures

You can now deploy and run external SQL stored procedures and external Java stored procedures. See the following articles to get started:

Support for using a notebook interface

You can now edit and run SQL in a notebook interface. For more information, see Working with SQL in a notebook editor.

Support for multi-column filtering of database objects

You can now apply complex filtering criteria to a subset of Db2 for z/OS catalog objects, including:

  • Databases
  • Indexes
  • Storage groups
  • Stored procedures
  • Tables

For more information, see Filtering by multiple columns.

Support for VS Code light mode theme

You can now customize the appearance of the Db2 Developer Extension interface by selecting from the available color themes. For more information, see Changing the color theme.

Support for 32-bit JRE

Starting with Db2 Developer Extension 2.1.5, a 64-bit JRE is no longer required. Note that although the requirement has been removed, using Db2 Developer Extension with a 32-bit JRE has not been tested extensively, so results might be unpredictable.

2.1.4 (December 2023)

Db2 for z/OS Developer Extension 2.1.4 provides the following significant enhancements:

An expanded set of SQL analysis and tuning features

By leveraging the functionality provided by Db2 Query Workload Tuner for z/OS 6.1, you can now run the following SQL analysis and tuning tools from within Db2 Developer Extension:

See Software requirements for using the SQL tuning features for information about the prerequisites for using SQL tuning features.

Support for exploring objects in Db2 for z/OS databases

You can now locate and explore the following Db2 for z/OS database objects from within Db2 Developer Extension:

  • Databases
  • Global variables3
  • Indexes1
  • Packages1
  • Plans1
  • REST services3
  • Schemas
  • Sequences2
  • Storage groups
  • Stored procedures1
  • Tables
  • Table spaces2
  • Triggers2
  • User-defined functions2
  • User-defined types2
  • Views1

Note: The privileges that are required to navigate the catalog increased since the initial 2.1 release. See Navigating the Db2 catalog for the updated list of catalog tables that you need read access to.

You can now view and hide implicit objects by using the view icon (View icon).2

1 Delivered in Db2 for z/OS Developer Extension 2.1.1.
2 Delivered in Db2 for z/OS Developer Extension 2.1.2.
3 Delivered in Db2 for z/OS Developer Extension 2.1.3.

Support for VS Code Remote Development

You can now take advantage of VS Code Remote Development support to create a remote Db2 Developer Extension development environment. See Support for VS Code Remote Development for more information.